Why Do Japanese People Hate Dolphins so Much?, 34 Pilot Whales Captured in Taiji, Japan, Earth Guardians - Presenters of the Future & the Dolphin Project Returns to Taiji

Or, maybe it is that they love them because they mean money for the hunters and capturerers (I doubt that is even a word but you know what I mean) or whatever they are referred to in real life. The hunting season and the capturing season started last week/this week while I was away. I know that a report came in that 34 pilot whales were caught this week. I also saw that one of my artists whom is a Dolphin Project person on the ground in Taiji, Japan had the 'Blue Cove' logo on her Facebook profile pic. So that is a good sign and at the very least, nothing was caught or killed today so far but remember too, it is tomorrow I bet by now in that region of the world. I bet they are about to start it up again. I hate reporting on it.

The 1st of September was last friday or a week ago from this friday. They have been legally at it for 9 full days with the tenth hunting day starting up any minute Japan time.

And, yeah, those 34 captured pilot whales seem to be the big hail in this week.

I stand correct. The 20 Pilots in that pod were already killed that day on September 5th or on the days afterward. They will be used as meat for sale in that marketplace starting now. The remaining 14 will be sold off to a hotel or a Marine world or SeaWorld type of a place to perform for people

Please read below after viewing the pictures in from the front lines today. It is really horrifying:
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Taiji -09-10-17. 8am: The recently captured pilot whales endure the first part of the "training" process as they are forced to eat dead squid. They are manhandled and forced into slings where the trainers attend to them. This is where your dolphin show begins. Don't buy a ticket!

Pledge NOT to buy a ticket to a dolphin show: dolphin.fyi/DolphinPledge
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Image may contain: outdoor
Image may contain: outdoor and water
Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, ocean, child, outdoor and water
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Taiji, Japan, 9/5/17: After three days of being held against their will in the shallow waters of the cove, with no access to food or water, and suffering from multiple injuries, the pilot whales’ torment was palpable. Their breathing, normally coordinated and steady, was uneven and rapid. Several of the dolphins were floating on their backs; lifeless, near death or having already perished from the stress and trauma of the hunt.
Young pilot whale succumbs to injuries, Taiji, Japan
Young pilot whale succumbs to injuries, Taiji, Japan. Credit: DolphinProject.com

The drive process is brutal. Hunting down a nursery pod full of juveniles, holding them for three days without access to food or water, and then manhandling the terrorized dolphins to their slaughters…what a savage and barbarous way to go.” ~ Tim Burns, Dolphin Project Cove Monitor
Adult pilot whale tethered to rocks struggles to stay afloat in blood-filled water, Taiji, Japan
Adult pilot whale tethered to rocks struggles to stay afloat in blood-filled water, Taiji, Japan. Credit: DolphinProject.com

Hunters proceeded to drag the bodies of every adult dolphin under the killing tarps, where they were tethered and slaughtered. The dolphins did not die quietly, their cries and violent tail slapping documented on our live broadcasts. Waters turned a murky red, with the surviving young swimming in the blood of their dead family members. When the bodies were eventually towed out through the cove, the juveniles, spy hopping while huddled close together, watched, occasionally vocalizing in a high-pitched manner consistent with extreme stress.
Pilot whales huddle together after two nights of being held in the cove, with no access to food or water, Taiji, Japan
Pilot whales huddle together after two nights of being held in the cove, with no access to food or water, Taiji, Japan. Credit: DolphinProject.com

Twenty adults were killed, with one younger dolphin succumbing to injuries, for a total of 21 documented deaths. Trainers, while claiming to love and care for dolphins, worked alongside the hunters, selecting desired animals for “life” in captivity while others were slaughtered. Three young pilots were taken during the captive selection process. The remaining juvenile pilots, approximately 20 in total, were eventually pushed out to open water. Pilot whales are comprised of a matriarchal society, complete with their own cultures and traditions. With no adults or “pilot” to guide them, their chances of survival are minimal at best.

Bodies of adult pilot whales are dragged by the surviving juvenile pod members, Taiji, Japan
Bodies of adult pilot whales are dragged by the surviving juvenile pod members, Taiji, Japan
Bodies of adult pilot whales are dragged by the surviving juvenile pod members, Taiji, Japan. Credit: DolphinProject.com

The captivity trade isn’t a Japanese issue. It’s a global issue. People need to STOP buying tickets to dolphin shows. No demand = no dolphin trade.” ~ Cynthia Fernandez, Dolphin Project Cove Monitor

With Dolphin Project Cove Monitors documenting each day of this three-day drive, we were able to capture in video and audio the extreme cruelty of Taiji’s dolphin hunts. We have included some of this media below and ask that you watch and share these videos.
This Fact About How Taiji Dolphin Hunts Are Connected to Marine Parks Will Make Your Jaw Drop. The annual Taiji dolphin hunts are underway yet again, which means innocent wild dolphins and other cetaceans will be herded into the infamous “Cove” in Taiji, Japan and hunted by fishermen. The ones they deem profitable to sell alive will be captured and sold to dolphinariums, marine parks, and other tourist attractions, while others will succumb to horrific bloody slaughter.

Although many of us are aware of the Taiji hunts, this fact will leave you speechless. According to the international marine conservation group, Keiko Conservation, for every one dolphin in captivity, seventeen will be killed in Taiji.
Keiko Conservation/Instagram

Hate to see this brutality inflicted on dolphins and other cetaceans? Then there is a lot you can do. If you are artistically inclined, Keiko Conservation is asking for you to create images and media featuring the Japanese phrases they have listed on their website, post them on social media, and tag dolphinariums (a list of them is provided on the website as well) to the post. If you prefer an even more hands-on approach, you can participate in any number of the Taiji hunt protests worldwide, the details of which you can find from Ric O’Barry’s Dolphin Project.

Of course, you can always help increase awareness of the Taiji hunts by educating your friends and family about it. Posts on social media are effective, but you can also host a movie night with The Cove as the feature presentation, or organize a presentation about Taiji to teach students in classrooms about the very serious issues at hand. And lastly, and perhaps most importantly, never support dolphinariums and marine parks. Once the demand for using animals as entertainment ends, these parks will be forced to shut down or at least change their attractions.

Many people are still unaware of the tragedy of Taiji and visit marine parks, so PLEASE share this with your network to help spread the truth about animals in captivity used for entertainment. Lead Image Source: Pixabay/pexels.com

Dolphin Project Returns to Taiji

Dolphin Project Returns to Taiji

When Dolphin Project Founder/Director Ric O’Barry first witnessed the dolphin drive hunts in the tiny fishing town of Taiji, Japan, he committed to exposing the cruelty inflicted upon dolphins – a cruelty he could only describe as “breathtaking”. Sights and sounds that no human, nor dolphin, should be subjected to assaulted his senses, and, fifteen years later, still continue to do so.

"As long as Taiji has dolphins, they will have Dolphin Project.“ ~ Ric O’Barry

Between the months of September and March, an “official” 1940 dolphins of various species including bottlenose dolphins, striped dolphins, Risso's dolphins, Pacific white-sided dolphins, pilot whales, false killer whales, pantropical spotted dolphins and new to this season, rough-toothed dolphins and melon-headed whales will be subject to harassment, injury, capture and slaughter — all in the name of greed. Many more dolphins will be killed in the process of the hunts, their numbers never recorded.

Struggling dolphins are brutalized into submission, Taiji, Japan. Struggling dolphins are brutalized into submission, Taiji, Japan.

Trainers, working alongside hunters, will select untold numbers for captivity, “presold” to marine parks in Japan and overseas – a violent process where dolphins will fight for their lives against the deafening and disorienting roar of boat engines, nets and extreme manhandling. Once captured, they will undergo a strict training regimen to prepare them for shipment to marine parks and aquariums for “life” in captivity.

Much progress has been made since 'The Cove' won an Oscar for Best Documentary (2010). More and more Japanese people have become aware of the gruesome killings taking place in Taiji, with local activists participating in Japan Dolphins Day and other peaceful demonstrations. Despite the government’s denial, dolphin meat has been proven, in repeated testing, to be poisoned by mercury and other heavy metals, making it unfit for human and animal consumption. Captive facilities are becoming more unpopular in United States and other parts of the world, and in some cases, the breeding of captive dolphins has been prohibited.
Although a 19-day incarceration in January 2016, resulting in Ric's deportation from Japan will prevent him from going to Taiji, our team of Dolphin Project Cove Monitors will be present for the entire six months of the annual dolphin hunting season. Dolphin Project's legal team is actively working to overturn the deportation order.

Risso’s dolphin guided into shallow water, moments before slaughter.Risso’s dolphin guided to slaughter, Taiji, Japan.
In Defense of Animals
US Captivity Industry Fuels Demand for Dolphin Slaughters. The annual dolphin killing season in Taiji, Japan begins every year on September 1 and runs until March of the next year. While these brutal and bloody hunts are horrific, it's important to understand the reason they continue. The captivity industry - places like SeaWorld - is the primary motivation for the hunters to continue these hunts, since live, trained dolphins can fetch a much higher price than the ones who are butchered for their flesh. READ MORE
In Defense of Animals
Join Packy's Herd! Your support of our Ten Worst Tanks List has just brought about a ban on imports and performances of captive dolphins and whales in Vancouver, Canada. The evidence presented in our Ten Worst Tanks List was also cited as the justification for closing Dolphin Discovery at Six Flags in Mexico. These are whales of victories that couldn't have happened without you. However, there is an elephant sized battle rumble that we also, urgently, call on you to answer - to join Packy's herd! GIVE NOW

Earth Guardians - Presenters of the Future!
A lovely introduction to WDC's Scottish Dolphin Centre at Spey Bay, the bottlenose that live off the coast there and the threat of litter! All created by the amazing youngsters that took part in our Earth Guardians summer club!