Your Dolphin Outlook this week includes an important message from Ric O' Barry

Dolphin Project Returns to The Cove - A Message from Ric O' Barry
Join us for Japan Dolphins Day
Fourteen years ago when Dolphin Project Founder/Director Ric O’Barry first stepped foot onto the shores of The Cove, he wasn’t expecting to see the water running red from the blood of freshly-killed dolphins. Then and there, he committed to exposing the heinous goings-on to the world, and hasn’t stopped since.

Although a 19-day incarceration last winter, resulting in Ric’s deportation from Japan will prevent him from going to Taiji, his team of Dolphin Project Cove Monitors will be present for the entire six months of the annual dolphin hunting season.

Between the months of September and March, an “official” 1820 dolphins of various species will be subject to harassment, injury, capture and slaughter, all in the name of greed and ignorance. Many more dolphins will be killed as a result of the hunts, their numbers never recorded. Trainers, working alongside hunters, will select approximately 150 wild bottlenose dolphins, “presold” to marine parks in Japan and overseas – a violent process where dolphins will fight for their lives against the deafening and disorienting roar of boat engines, shouting, nets and extreme manhandling.
“Last year, during the first drive of the season, a Risso’s dolphin attempted escape from the hunters. He landed at my feet, dying. Dolphin Project Cove Monitors caught the tragedy on live stream. Moments like these underscore the extreme cruelty of the hunts. We need to keep showing up and sharing these images with the world. And we can’t do it without you. Please consider donating what you can. Together, we will end it.”

~ Ric O’Barry, Founder/Director of Dolphin Project
This insanity MUST end. And together, we WILL end it.
Dolphins tricked into swimming with tourists at Taiji cove before annual massacre

Baby News! Former Captive Dolphin With CalfBaby News! Former Captive Dolphin With Calf
Four months after Sampal was spotted with a calf – one of five Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins rehabilitated and released back into her original home range off the South Korean island of Jeju – we have news that another baby has been born!

According to a report from Yonhap News Agency, dated 4/16/2016, a team from the Dolphin Research Group of Jeju University/Ewha Womans University confirmed that Chunsam has successfully given birth. The pair has been documented many times from July 20 to August 11, with the birth likely occurring between late June and mid-July.
Chunsam and calf, South Korea
Chunsam was among five dolphins caught and sold illegally to aquariums in the country between 2009 and 2010. In 2013, the Korean Supreme Court ruled to release them back to the wild as a result of years of campaigning by local animal welfare groups. Ric O’Barry was in South Korea helping the Korean Animal Welfare Association, along with other NGO’s with the rehabilitation for three of the five dolphins in 2013, including Sampal, Jedol and Chunsam. Dolphin Project’s Protocol for Releasing Captive Dolphins was used for rehabilitating the dolphins.

"The real hero in this story is the Mayor of Seoul, South Korea, the Honorable Park Wan Soon. The mayor spearheaded this release and approved the budget to make it happen.” ~ Ric O’Barry, Founder/Director of Dolphin Project

We wish Chunsam and her new baby a life filled with all things wild and wonderful!
Adopt a dolphin update August 2016

Dolphin Project will be on the ground in Taiji during the entire killing season, live streaming, blogging and disseminating information for the world to see. Your support has never been more crucial and is greatly appreciated.
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Join us for Japan Dolphins Day
We’re calling on individuals, activists and organizations across the world to participate with us on this International Day of Action. Join activists around the world on September 1st and make a difference for dolphins.

Click the banner to sign up to organize or attend a Japan Dolphins Day event in your city.
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