Dumpster Diving with Hope For Paws, James Cromwell, Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) & PETA rescues, Marshmello, Buster, Layla, Long, Trang, Bears first taste of veggies & freedom at Rescue TV this week!

Days before the worst time in America for turkeys, PETA helped rescue 16 gentle turkeys who’d been imprisoned on a farm in Utah, saving them from being sent to a slaughterhouse where their throats would be slit.

PETA transported six turkeys to Wildwood Farm Sanctuary in Newberg, Oregon, while the other 10 went to The Humane Farming Association’s Suwanna Ranch in Elk Creek, California. Check out how these lovely ladies are settling into their new homes!

Sure, humans may look different from turkeys, but when it comes to important qualities such as the ability to feel excitement, create family bonds, cherish life, and experience pain, fear, and love, we’re all the same.
Here’s something that the meat industry would hate for you to know: If you’re lucky enough to have one of these gentle birds as a friend, you’d know that they have diverse personalities and cherish taking care of their babies. These intelligent, naturally curious birds enjoy greeting new visitors and choose which humans they want to spend time with. Turkeys love to have their feathers stroked, and they’ll even listen to music and sing along.
But on farms, turkeys—who are naturally clean animals—are forced to live in their own filth in cramped, dank sheds. To keep the crowded birds from scratching and pecking one another, famers cut off parts of their beaks and toes without painkillers. Most turkeys are babies—only 3 to 5 months old—when they’re slaughtered. But during their short, miserable lives, they’re denied even the simplest pleasures, such as running, building nests, and raising their young.
Save turkeys year-round by sharing vegan meals with your friends and family.
Share this heartwarming story with your friends and family, too, and let them know that the best way to save any conscious, feeling animals raised for their flesh is to go vegan. Spread the compassion by sending someone you love a free vegan starter kit.
Attention all federal employees: Wildlife SOS has been formally accepted into the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) workplace giving program! So you can now “show some love” to Wildlife SOS through monthly or annual paycheck deductions. It’s easy, painless, and for a great cause: India’s wildlife — and elephants like Macadamia and Wally! Our CFC number is 31685. Click below for more info.