A Whale of a Week, 100 Orcas and Belugas Captive off Russian Coast, China's Growing, Marine Park Industry, What Are Southern Resident Orcas?

100 Orcas and Belugas Are Being Tortured in "Whale Jails"

Just off the Russian coast, 11 orca and 90 beluga whales are being held in tiny, cramped, and probably illegal enclosures that are being called "whale jails." Many fear that the marine animals will be illegally sold to Chinese water parks and aquariums.

The situation is horrifying. Please sign this petition demanding that Russian authorities investigate and shut down these "whale jails," and hold those responsible accountable!

According to reports, the four companies that own the pens holding these whales have been caught selling whales to China in the past. They had been given permission to capture wild whales for educational purposes, which is legal, but secretly sold them to aquariums in China, which is illegal. One orca sold for more than $1 million.

Whales deserve to be free and wild. Sign now to urge authorities to get to the bottom of this and save these whales.
In Defense of Animals
A Look Into China's Cruel, and Growing, Marine Park Industry. Due to worldwide public pressure, the notoriously cruel cetacean captivity industry is being challenged. However, China's confinement of whales and dolphins continues to thrive despite constant opposition. READ MORE