Sunset Home Visual Entertainment Double features, Triple Feature, 9 Movie Set, Showdown in Little Tokyo & Bloodsport, Move & Groove with Noodlebug, Volume 1 & 2, Movie Rule #105: 9 Bad Guys Bite The Dust Movies, Explorations & Adventures: Treasure Island, Cry Wilderness, Outlaw Trail

Showdown in Little Tokyo/Bloodsport (DBFE)
Move & Groove with Noodlebug, Volume 1
Image result for Explorations & Adventures: Treasure Island, Cry Wilderness, Outlaw Trail
Image result for Movie Rule #105: 9 Bad Guys Bite The Dust Movies
Sunset Home Visual Entertainment creates home videos for viewing on DVDs, Videos On-Demand and for Distribution into stores everywhere. The company thrives by releasing popular movies, including movies on BluRay, as Boxed sets and works hand in hand with the Sunset Film Co. and the Sunset TV Network to work any viable productions through this distribution network.
Sunset Home Video titles in stores now are: