Russia timeline: Key players, meetings, investigation details, Trump TV / Fox News, War vs. FBI, Secret Society within FBI, Umphrey's McGee at the Fillmore, Donald J. Trump has the best memory in the world, Donald J. Trump has selective amnesia, Katy Tur Phish references go off this week, DAVOS, 'Where are those 52,000 messages' & Kimberly-Clark says tax bill helps fund more than 5K layoffs!

Russia timeline: Key players, meetings and investigation details...Click Here for timeline!
Image: Vladimir Putin, Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump, Paul Manafort, Donald Trump Jr., James Comey
The war on the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI has kicked into high gear this week. 

The White House, the Right Wing Freedom Caucus and members of the GOP vs. the FBI.

The Russian Federation continues its interference in American politics and for the Trump Administration. Coupled with the help of certain members on Capitol Hill that are spreading that message orchestrated by Russian agents. 

And, you know why the campaign is now against the DOJ and the FBI. And, we also know why the members of the GOP are all of a sudden against the FBI and the DOJ (remember when the members of the GOP loved the FBI at the time they were illegally wiretapping people like Martin Luther King Jr.?). 

It is because the investigation they are spearheading with regard to the Russian interference has reached the highest points in our Government and is knocking on the door of the White House. 

Robert Mueller's office and the Trump organization or administration are negotiating that plan for them to meet. I maintain that it will never happen and honestly, I think it would be very stupid for him to take on that interview. The only thing is that if he does refuse and if Mueller wants to do this interview, he (Robert Mueller) can merely get a Grand Jury notice for him to deal by law. 

The POTUS really does not have much of choice in the matter.  

And to date, not only has the top brass been interviewed in that administration, it was also learned this week that Jeff Sessions was grilled a few weeks ago and for many hours by the members of the committee.

There is so much talk about obstruction of justice now when at first, it was about collusion and I maintain it is about the theft of the emails from the Democratic Party. And, then it is about the conspiracy to do it and to use them. 

Along with them getting the Russian Federation and Russian Agents to help them win the election using the fake news stories planted by automatic 'bots.'

Obstruction is just a product of the aftermath of the crime. And, to cover it up. That is why you obstruct people from getting to the truth. Why obstruct  anything or why act that way if there is nothing to obstruct? 

Is the Trump administration working this hard to obstruct the investigation because he has nothing to hide?

Let us forget about the inner circle and family members and let us please discuss Donald J. Trump's involvement himself. 

About a year ago, he demands a 'loyalty oath' from the head of the FBI at that time, James Comey

Trump then fires Comey when he does not get the response he wants to hear.

Also at this time last year, the POTUS knows that his National Security Director and key advisor has a committed Federal Crimes. Trump goes to the FBI Director to pressure him to NOT press charges against that National Security Director. 

Trump then has a meeting in the oval office mind you, with the Russian Federation's Foreign Minister and the Ambassador to the U.S. reassuring them that because of the Comey firing that would take pressure off them and Russia.

On NBC last year with Lester Holt, Trump says that he needed to fire Comey because of the Russian investigation. He said that on national television.

He also asked Andrew McCabe who he voted for last year and in the general election. Trump urges Andrew McCabe to end the Russian probe.

Trump and his administration send out people to not only attack the FBI, but the administration is also firing any key witnesses to any meetings with Comey and Trump. The others are re-assigned to banishment that rivals Fox Mulders office when he worked on the X-Files.

Anyone that did any meeting with Trump and Comey, have been fired or are being pushed out or they have been given non jobs. Even the people Comey told about the Trump meetings as a way to preserve the truth without illegally taping the conversations, have been fired, are being pushed out or now have jobs that no one know what they are duty wise.

These senior FBI officials have evidence regarding any Comey and Trump meeting and regarding Trump and the Russian interference.

Comey was fired. 

Andrew McCabe is being forced into retirement at the elderly age of 49 years old. 

Another person in on those meetings was James Baker. He was the FBI General Counsel and he now has some job that no one knows what he does. Nor does anyone know why he was yanked from that General Counsel gig.

This week, Christopher Wray, the current FBI Director fired Jim Rybicki.

Trump's administration are tearing down the reputations of these people. And, these seasoned veterans have done incredible things to keep the United States safe. In McCabes case, he helped figure out the result with regard to the Boston Bombing or was an integral part of that task force. He helped thwart many Al-Qaeda terrorist plots over a 17 year span of time. Trump is also taking shots at James Baker and members of congress are attacking Jim Rybicki now calling him a partisan on the Dem side.

These are American Heroes that Trump is using to blast because of politics. Or, because he knows this Russian thing is getting close.

The Trump administration smeared James Comey's reputation when he out with the evidence regarding Trump and the Russian probe. Comey thought to create backup and now the Trump administration is trying to smear the reputations of those backs ups.

They are trying to make it seem that we cannot trust the findings of the DOJ and the FBI. And, why are they doing that? It is because they know what is around the corner. 

And, for all of you Right Wing Freedom Caucus followers and to all of you so called constitutionalists, your man Donald J. Trump blows through the Constitution as a whole but notably this week, he is blowing through all constitutional protections.

Now as of last night, the GOP is throwing out conspiracy theories. 

Ron Johnson says there is some secret society within the FBI that is out to take down the Trump administration. Lou Dobbs was going off about the holes in the FBI. Trey Gowdy, Mr. Conspiracy himself was going off about it after of course his years of prolonging (and spending taxpayers money on it) that fake Benghazi thing he in part manifested against Hillary Clinton.

And, these conspiracy's BTW are produced, generated and driven by the Russian Federation.

For instance, within 24 hours from when I wrote this paragraph (Wednesday AM EST), we will see a trending hashtag (#) generated by the Russian Federation's Twitter Bots along the lines of 'Where are those 52,000 messages' or 'Where are the Deleted text Messages'.

They did it the same exact way last week with the 'Schumer Shut Down' blurb. It was the most trending saying last week issued by and using Russian Bots. In the same way they used 'Release the Nunez Memo' that was generated by Russian Linked accounts, they used the Schumer Shut down term too.

Therefore, The Freedom Caucus and certain GOP'ers were out yesterday promoting that 'Where is the Nunez memo' line. Trump News/Fox News followed by repeating it 18 times in a day. Lou Dobbs went off about it Tuesday night. 

That was picked up after being promoted by Russian Agents using Russian Bots. 

Last night, Diane Feinstein and Adam Schiff sent a letter to the head of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, laying down this evidence. A Russian 'think tank' used that phrase 'release the memo' with automatic bots with fake accounts and it was the top trending hashtag (#) phrase using Russian linked accounts. 

They were used hundreds more times than any other Russian linked Tweet and hashtag (#).

That is fueling Trump and certain people on the Hill. 

Unless it is Trump orchestrating it because after all, it is not like he has done anything regarding the security against any Russian interference through the Internet. As a matter fact, Trump hardly even mentions it. 

By hardly, I mean he never mentions it.

Overall, the administration and Trump himself attack the media. 

They attack the DOJ and the FBI. 

This is autocrat and Dictatorship 101.

And, talk about everyone being against you in life, holy cow, this takes the cake so to speak. 

Everything and everyone is evidently against this POTUS. 

That in itself is odd behavior and what would a shrink say to a kid that acts that way? I am not sure but I do know that it is a thing in the psychology world when dealing with children. When a kid says everyone else is to blame for anything he does, you have problems with that kid. Besides, its calculated. It is so calculated. It is so calculated that is how kids act.

He is obviously softening the ground by saying to consider the source of you will, and that the DOJ and the FBI cannot be trusted. Because after all, Trump can be trusted is I guess is the message too. Even though the guy lies 5.4 times a day on the record and to the general public alone, we are supposed to believe him now. 

Trust me in saying that when the evidence clearly points to him and his sons, he will use this tactic as a way to delegitimize the results of the investigation.

If you outline what was done by Trump alone to obstruct the Russian investigation and couple that with the indictments of two key staffers of his campaign, including his campaign manager. And then you couple it again with the guilty pleas of two ex staffers and one ex National Security Director. Combine that with the constant lies by Jared Kushner, Donald Jr. and Eric while remember the 'Love it' response about having access to the illegally obtained emails and/or dirt they could get from the Russians regarding and on Hillary (Clinton).

This ain't brain surgery here.

Speaking of the 'Schumer Shut Down' that ended after 3 days, the messaging from the GOP is amazing. Especially compared to the Dem's. The Dem's are awful at it. 

Will Mitch McConnell keep his word because if he does not, he should pay for it by being ousted politically. The GOP must get on the right side of this issue which is 90% to 10% approval to do DACA.

The Dem's should have also learned a lesson. 

Do not fake or allow a Government shut down unless you have an exit strategy or even a plan besides to have it shut down. 

You must have a plan if you allow for a shut down. You must also have an exit strategy. The Dem's had neither. They seized on the fact that it was enough for the GOP to have control of all branches of government which it is, but the general public are clueless wonders if it has anything more than 3 words in a sentence.

Especially when again, the GOP messaging is powerful. And, then you add Trump's catch phrases. It is easy for them to remember.

Plus, they have the Russian Federation and the Trump Administration to help them, but still, they all stick to the same talking point. 

They have Trump News (Fox News) to help spread the word but that preaches to the choir and that is it. No one that wants to hear real news watches Trump TV / Fox News.

What did come out of it is that a select few Senators have finally acted like adults. Right now we have an outline for a DACA deal and for Border Control. 

The Wild card of course is the POTUS.

Overall about the government shut down. I assume the initial plan or thought was that the GOP would get the blame but thatbackfired and it was wrong. Now the thought is that the shut down won't even matter. 

Hell, I forgot about it already and it is Saturday after it ended on Monday or Tuesday this week.

Ironically, if the Dem's want an easy win if you will, they should give the GOP the wall. Allow them to spend another $18 to $24 million to the deficit just for the wall alone. 

Even though the wall was to be paid for by Mexico.

You know what else is great about Trump? His selective amnesia.

He says that he has one of the greatest memories of all time. He said it on the campaign trail at rallies many times. He said it on Jimmy Fallon's show and in many interviews. I bet he something about how great his memory is at 10 to 15 times in 2016.

Evidently in that Trump University lawsuit, in depositions back in December 2015, Trump said that he did not remember something 35 times. He also said he did not remember things 24 other times in a deposition regarding that same claim back in 2012. 

He was even asked in a deposition if he believed that he had one of the best memories in the world" and his reply was "that I can't tell you. I can't tell for other people, but I have a good memory". The lawyer replied, "you've stated, though, that you have one of the best memories in the world" to where Trump replied asking "I don't know. Did I use that expression?"

He told my girl Katy Tur in a phone call that he had the best memory and speaking of Katy Tur, she had many Phish references this week. One in particular on the MTP Daily show was nuts and honestly, it was started by the GOP guy from Virginia. He said something about to Surrender to the Flow and Katy was great in some reply saying something about there not being Dirt or maybe something about Dirt. It was hilarious and it was over the top. They kept using Phish blurbs the entire segment. 

Then, when Jake Sherman was on later in the week, Katy said the ways things are now are like whether it is still Lawn Boy. Which I felt for her exasperation considering what everyone in the media world is going through news cycle wise. It is non-stop.

Regardless of the Katy Tur Phish bombs thrown out there this week, Trump cannot seem to remember key elements relating to the Russian Investigation. Like when he was pictured in that International Board meeting with the now convicted George Papadopoulos. In defense of that defense, I can safely say that meeting was all smoke and mirrors for show. 

Just like in every meeting that Trump has with anyone. 

Even when they try to show photos of him working, it is him holding a phone with not one piece of paper on that desk. It is spotless. They do not even try to fake it. It is just so fake. 

Anyway, he had to at that time in the campaign, come up with International people he could make pretend to staff. He threw Papadopoulos' name out there in some interview, hence this picture but even still, he must own it. It was his meeting that he held with many of his key people in that campaign..

In the meeting of course, George Papadopoulos said in his testimony to the Federal Government after pleading guilty to a Federal Crime, that he offered to set up a meeting between Trump and with the Kremlin and with Vladimir Putin. 

Trump conveniently forgets about 'much' of the content in that meeting is my point here. Let alone he forgets that someone mentions that opportunity because after all, that is nothing. We all get these chances to meet with Vladimir Putin and if someone spewed that out there in a board meeting that I headed, I could easily see that going over my head unnoticed. 

Then with regard to that February 26th meeting Trump had with James Comey where he supposedly asked him to drop the investigation with general Mike Flynn. 

In some interview on July 19th, a reporter asked 'Did you actually have a one-one-one with Comey then?'

Trump replied saying 'Not much. Not even that I remember. He was sitting, and I don't remember even talking to him about any of this stuff.'

This week it came out that Trump asked that Andrew McCabe guy who he voted for and when asked about it, his reply is that 'I don't think so, no. No, I don't think I did.' When pressed again about it, he replied saying 'I don't know what's the big deal with that, because I would ask you (chuckle from media people), who did you vote for? I don't think it's a big deal, but I don't remember that. When I saw that this morning. I don't remember asking him that question.

Trump's speech on Friday in DAVOS sounded like a 'come to New Jersey' ad. He also sounded like he was drugged. He was snorting in between sentences to catch his breath and he was saying how America is opened for business in a very low keyed way. Which may be another victory for him of sort considering the bar is to where if he does not say or do anything outrageous, it is a major plus for the administration.

He boasted about his job creation numbers which in reality, the +2.05 million jobs created in 2017 were the worst since 2010.

2011: +2.09 million
2012: +2.14 million
2013: +2.30 million
2014: +2.99 million
2015: +2.71 million
2016: +2.24 million
2017: +2.05 million
2017 was the *worst* since 2010


He also boasts about the GDP since he became POTUS when in reality, that has been on a constant rise for decades.
Image result for us real gross domestic product
There were more smoke and mirrors or lies with Trump in DAVOS. The head of that company Siemens said with Trump in some press conference they held together that because of the Tax Plan, and "since you (Trump/the USA) have been successful with tax reform, we decided to develop next generation gas turbines in the United States".

The only thing is that the press release is dated last August 6, 2017.
That was well over a half year before any tax plan had been enacted by the Government.

He also neglected to mention the layoffs in Iowa as Siemens is about to cut 200 jobs this week.

The best of the success stories surrounding this tax plan is with the makers of Kleenex and Huggies, they are literally using the savings they are getting from the tax cuts to lay off more than 5,000 people. 

I have Umphrey's McGee at the Fillmore in Philly this weekend. And, I have Greensky Bluegrass at the Fillmore in Philly on Thursday night. I should be in a groove this week with everything. This last week sucked. I was kind of sick which just sucked. regardless, stay in touch! I'll post Saturdays set list tomorrow at some after they put it up at Set
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