This Week's Elephant In The Room!

Amazing Look on the Face of Elephant Who Knows She’s Now Safe Will Warm Your Heart. In Africa, elephants have a lot to worry about. Between the fear of being poached for their ivory tusks, losing loved ones to poaching, and being captured in their own home to be relocated to circuses, zoos, or tourism operations, every day an elephant survives in the wild is truly a miracle. It is currently estimated that about 100 elephants are poached every single day.

Thankfully, there are organizations that go above and beyond to help elephants and are doing everything they can to make sure this species is not wiped off the face of the earth within our lifetime. The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT), for example, is an organization that takes in orphaned baby elephants. DSWT staff provide emotional support for elephants, make sure they are fed and hydrated, and pretty much teach them everything they need to know about being an elephant. Many of the elephants that are rescued by DSWT come from terrible situations. Some are extremely weak and emaciated, some witnessed the deaths of their parents, and some have just been having a tough time surviving in the wild.

Sana Sana, is an elephant who was recently rescued by DSWT. The staff at DSWT heard about her situation from the team at Namunyak Conservancy in northern Kenya. Apparently, Sana Sana would frequently visit the conservancy and rest near their facility. When DSWT saw her condition, it suddenly became obvious why this elephant would come and seek shelter near humans. She had been mauled by a hyena, had a nasty wound under her tail, and seemed generally lonely and exhausted. At first, there was a bit of a dispute between the conservancy and DSWT. The conservancy wanted to keep Sana Sana nearby and eventually assimilate her back into the wild. DSWT was less optimistic about that plan and felt that the sweet elephant would be better off under their care. Eventually, it was decided that Sana Sana would be transported to DSWT headquarters for permanent residence.

We’ll never know whether Sana Sana would have made it on her own in the wild. However, by the look of gratitude on her face, she seems very happy to be heading home with the DSWT staff. Somehow she knows she’s in safe hands. Elephants can be so perceptive!
While every elephant that is rescued is indeed a victory for this species, there is still so much work to be done. The ivory trade has not been completely eliminated, there are still circuses that employ elephants, and zoos are still at it with new tactics to make sure visitors are distracted from the abuse. Nevertheless, it is important to celebrate the elephants who are in safe hands and do everything we can to mitigate the number of elephants captured and killed in the wild. To learn about how you can help elephants, click here.
In Defense of Animals
37 Baby Elephants Now Headed for Zoos in ChinaEarlier this year in Zimbabwe, thirty-seven baby elephants were captured, stolen from their families,and brought to a holding facility in Hwange National Park. They have been sold to  zoos and safari parks in China, and are currently awaiting shipment. Two baby elephants have already died of starvation and neglect.

Despite worldwide efforts to stop previous live captures from African nations for Chinese and United States zoos, Zimbabwe’s Minister of Environment, Water and Climate, Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, makes no apologies for the sale and capture of baby elephants, and has plans to sell off more of Zimbabwe’s wildlife to China “without hesitation.”

There was public speculation in September that the baby elephants had been captured for export to China, but the government’s national park and wildlife management authority denied it, saying the elephants were being trans-located within the region under a “wildlife drought mitigation strategy.” This has proven to be entirely false, as China continues to purchase Zimbabwe’s wild animals.

In Defense of Animals sent out a Press Release at the end of September, to help garner more media attention on this heartbreaking fate for elephants destined, yet again, for China’s growing zoo industry.

According to a recent article, the elephants in the capture facility near Hwange’s Main Camp are strictly off limits to both the public and researchers in the park, and there are rumours that some may be moved to a remote location in Chizarira National Park to further conceal the actions surrounding their imminent transportation.

Apparently this operation is being driven from the President’s office, which makes Zimbabwe’s citizens fear for their safety if they speak out against the authorities.  Livelihoods, and lives could be at stake.

“This is big money and a very vindictive group of people running this operation,” said one source.”

This is absolutely heartbreaking news for elephants, with likely more to come, as China has 200 juvenile elephants “on order” with Zimbabwe over the next five years.

In the 197Os, over 7OO tons of illegal ivory was leaving Africa every year.

That’s over 7O,OOO elephants.[1]

 And a rising demand for ivory in China has caused the slaughter of elephants to SKYROCKET. Now more elephants are being killed than are being born.

As long as the ivory trade continues to flourish, elephants could become extinct by 2O2O.

Elephant poaching is a worldwide epidemic:
• Mozambique and Tanzania lost 60% of their elephants in just 5 years
• The Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic have lost nearly their entire elephant populations
• Sudan, Zimbabwe and Gabon have seen significant increases in elephant poaching

Without taking action, there’s no way poachers are going to stop their brutal massacre.

Instead, we’ll lose the elephants forever.

That’s why we need you with us. Please sign your name to help stop the slaughter of elephants:
Help save elephants, before they disappear. Chip in today to save animals facing extinction:


Rescue Team Builds Ingenious Structure to Help Injured Wild Elephant Recover From a Broken Leg

Tamiyoi's Rescue

Injured Elephant Who Was Stuck in a River for a Month Gets Rescued With the Help of the Army! It goes without saying that life can be tough. Sometimes, it feels like all we can do is roll with the punches that life deals and do our best to keep a positive attitude. In spite of news and current events that have the power to bring us down, we can rest easy knowing that there will always be good in this world. Take the story of Sidda, the elephant in the photos below, for example. It’s times like this, when an entire community, rescuers, and even the army has rallied behind one injured elephant, that shows us that there is no shortage of good in this world.

Siddha was found by locals wading in the Arkavathy River in Magadi, Ramanagara. According to Geeta Seshamani, co-founder of Wildlife SOS, “Wildlife SOS has been assisting with medical care and treatment of Sidda with the permission of the Karnataka Forest Department and Chief Wildlife Warden.” This is significant, especially considering the dwindling population of Asian elephants because traditional conservationists would typically believe that an elephant like Sidda should be left to fight his own battles. Since his rescue, Wildlife SOS, Karnataka Forest Department, and the locals have all shown Sidda their support as he receives round-the-clock veterinary care.

Sidda spent a month in the river before rescue efforts began. It’s likely that he chose this spot to take pressure off his broken leg.

Army Sends 50 Troops to Help Injured Elephant (PHOTOS)
When he was discovered, locals brought food for Sidda as they waited for rescue efforts to begin. With help from Wildlife SOS, they carried out a four-hour rescue operation to help the injured elephant.
Since his rescue, the 35-year-old elephant’s condition has sadly not improved, but locals, along with many others, are rooting for him. Sidda has seen endless support from humans who have brought him food and prayers for his recovery.
Army Sends 50 Troops to Help Injured Elephant (PHOTOS)
Due to his deteriorating condition, Sidda can no longer stand without the help of a crane. He has spent much of his time lying on his side while people see to his needs.
At the request of former Army Chief and current Ministry of External Affairs minister, General V K Singh, 50 troops were sent to build a structure to help Sidda stand. Not only will this structure alleviate the stress on his injured leg, it will also provide a barrier between him and the crowds of people coming to visit him.
Army Sends 50 Troops to Help Injured Elephant (PHOTOS)
Although we know that the people visiting Sidda are only eager to get updates on his condition, this elephant needs all the rest and relaxation he can get. According to Katrick Satyanarayan, co-founder of Wildlife SOS, “we hope and pray for his recovery. We have already invested substantial resources in providing treatment including sending a veterinarian with a portable digital x-ray machine by plane.” We wish Sidda the very best as he continues to fight like a trooper. To learn more about Wildlife SOS and the work they do, visit their official website. All image source: Wildlife SOS

Shirley and Jenny: Two Elephants Reunited After More Than 20 Years
Not a new story but worth watching again and again! So amazingly touching - the story of Shirley and Jenny, two crippled elephants reunited at The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee after a 22-year separation. The bonding was immediate, intense and unforgettable between the two former circus elephants. 
Thor is born to Ex-orphan Thoma