New Jersey can end homelessness

Over the past decade, Utah has virtually ended chronic homelessness by providing people with homes.

If Utah can do it, so can New Jersey. Click here to quickly email your state legislators.

Empty houses have long far outnumbered homeless people in the United States. Basic compassion demands that people living without shelter be provided it.

And even heartless government efficiency may demand the very same thing. Utah figured out that emergency room and jail visits for the homeless were costing more than providing housing would cost. So Utah began providing housing with no strings attached (thus saving the counterprodctive effects and the high costs of attaching any strings).

Click here to advance this goal in New Jersey.

While the federal government has been helping, and some cities have been taking action, efforts are far too limited, and are often directed exclusively at providing housing for veterans. If you're homeless but you didn't join the military that has brought us so many disastrous wars, some of these programs will refuse to help you.

It's time we provide every person with a home. Click here and maybe New Jersey will be next.

After doing this action, please forward this message to your friends. You can also share it from the webpage after taking the action yourself.

This work is only possible with your financial support. Please chip in $3 now. 

More empty homes than homeless people. 
Utah did the obvious and so can New Jersey.

Background: Los Angeles Times: Utah Is Winning