Real Time With Bill Maher Show Weekly Update

We have an article to show you about Hillary Clinton and her so called email scandal along with two (2) new web exclusive new Rules which are posted below here. And, so as the Grateful Dead say in the song 'Feel Like A Stranger', "let's get on with the show"!

What Hillary’s Email Scandal Was About All Along by Bill Maher.

Recently the Justice Department filed a brief in federal court that said, “There is no question that former Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server.” 

Then we learned that Hillary’s server wasn’t exactly wiped clean and her deleted private emails are likely recoverable. Republican Senators Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, and Ron Johnson, chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, said they would push for the deleted e-mails to be reviewed if they can be recovered, according to The Washington Post. 

And I’m sure none of these private emails will be leaked to the media, will they? I’m sure this investigation is about the nation’s security and the rule of law and has nothing to do with trying to embarrass the likely Democratic nominee for president.

Please. These guys are going to be huddled in a Congressional back room, shuffling through papers and giggling, trying to decide which emails to leak first. And that’s what this investigation has always been about. It’s got nothing to do with illegality or wrongdoing. It’s about having the Drudge Report print emails from Hillary where she calls a foreign leader a crybaby, or says she thinks Ellen Page looks kind of hot in a suit.

The monologue will no doubt be about the latest GOP Debate that was held on Wednesday night. He jumps into it by saying how (Donald) Trump held a KKK rally two nights ago in New Hampshire and he then says to never give a microphone to anyone that think that he (Donald Trump) can be POTUS. That Man Asked Trump: ‘When Can We Get Rid’ Of All The Muslims In America? His Answer Was Horrifying but what I thought was way worse is that guys stating that there were camps that the Muslim community has set up in America while they train to get ready to kill all Americans. I never heard of that one before that night quite frankly and I love how the Donald in the middle of it borderline acted like he knew about it. His answer was that many people believe it and they are looking into it or something along that line. It was honestly such a stupid exchange. I do not get why he (Trump) just did not shut it down (John) McCain style. That was a bad miscalculation on his part. It was also stupid because what percentage of people really believe this stuff, let alone that Obama is not from America, than a fringe part of who follows Trump? It will never win a general election and when will these GOP'ers figure that easy political science out? That is what I do not get about them. They come off looking so stupid. Which I guess is Trump's core base. They tend to be dumb ass'ed people that know nothing about politics. 

For several months, Donald Trump has campaigned for president by largely ignoring traditional notions of decency. Thursday night, however, things reached a new low.

At a Trump campaign rally in Rochester, New Hampshire a man in a “Trump” shirt took the microphone and said, “We have a problem in this country. It’s called Muslims.”

“We know our current President is one,” he added. “You know he’s not even an American.”

“We need this question,” Trump replied, smiling.

Then things turned even darker, as the man discussed his beliefs that Muslims were in training camps plotting to kill.
“That’s my question. When can we get rid of ‘em?” the man said.

Trump was unfazed at the casual suggestion of cultural genocide. “We are going to be looking at a lot of different things. A lot of people saying that,” Trump said.

Notably, Trump did not correct or object to the man’s false characterization of Obama as a Muslim.

Trump also did not dispute the man’s contention that Obama was not an American. Trump has been one of the most prominent “birthers,” insisting that Obama’s birth certificate from Hawaii was faked.

In 2008, a woman at a John McCain event insisted that Obama was “an Arab.” “No ma’am,” McCain replied. “He’s a decent, family man, citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues.”

Trump currently leads the GOP field by 10 points.

I have to admitthat I forgot how racist Donald Trump is and has been his entire career and life since I have known his name. Even with the subway killings in New York City that year, he called for them to be executed even well before that trial had started. He took out a full page ad stating it. 

Then, the birther issue with this current POTUS and then all of the racial undertones he has taken platform wise in this primary season (i.e.: immigration, women, Muslims, etc.). He is indeed old school in that regard and he is  no doubt that way with his platforms. They are all right out 1986.

I did not hear that question about Donald trump meeting with the Pope next week and his reply was no because he believes in climate change. Honestly, the Republicans Got One Question About Climate Change At The Debate, And Totally Screwed It Up. After nearly three hours, CNN’s Republican presidential debate came to a close on Wednesday night with only one mention of human-caused climate change. The answers went on for about three minutes before debate moderator Jake Tapper abruptly changed the topic to vaccines.

The question, though, was framed in an interesting way: Ronald Reagan’s own secretary of state, George Shultz, has advocated for some kind of action on climate change, just as an “insurance policy.” Tapper asked, why not follow Reagan’s example, and take out an insurance policy to respond to what scientists overwhelmingly believe will be devastating impacts of climate change?

Three candidates responded: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. All three argued that nothing should be done by the American government to combat the problem, and Christie even said that he “respectfully disagrees” with Reagan’s secretary of state (gasp!). But all three also backed up their argument using a factually murky claim: that government efforts to combat climate change won’t do anything to solve the problem.

Rubio said that the EPA’s regulations on carbon emissions from coal plants “will do absolutely nothing to change our climate.” Christie said he agreed, that regulations “will not do a thing to lower the rise of the sea … [or] solve the drought here in California.” Walker was more measured, saying “the Obama administration has said will have marginal impact on climate change.”

Republicans have loved this argument lately, seemingly because it’s moderate — it falls between denying climate change is happening, and admitting that anything should be done about the problem. The idea is that regulations to limit carbon emissions won’t help solve climate change on their own, but they will cost coal jobs and raise Americans’ electricity bills. So why do it?

The argument fails for a few reasons. As Vox’s David Roberts points out, it’s just untrue — carbon regulations will make a difference in fighting climate change, albeit a small one. In addition, unilaterally solving global warming was never the intention of carbon regulations. The intention was to do our part, thereby motivating other countries to do theirs. And our part is especially important — Rubio tried to deflect blame to China during the debate, saying they are the number one emitter of carbon in the world. But the U.S. has contributed more to global warming than any other country — even China.

But the candidates on tonight’s debate stage did not acknowledge this, nor did they acknowledge the devastating personal and economic effects that climate change is expected to have, and is already having. Nor did they mention the numerous studies that have shown that the EPA’s climate regulations will also have net economic benefits, due to jobs created in the renewable energy and technology industries and a healthier population.

Roberts lays it out like this: “What’s the alternative? Unchecked climate change will lead to immense suffering, concentrated in but not confined to the world’s poorer countries. Unless we’re willing to accept that suffering — and you never quite hear Republicans own up to that — we have to do our part.”

Bill just made some great jokes about Ben Carson. He says that Jeb Bush's low energy next to Dr. Ben Carson is like Cirque du Soleil. And, how debating him is like listening to 'wave' music on CD. And, then Bill asks if Bill Cosby gave him anything and I said the other day in my Morning Joe Post debate recap that I thought Ben Carson was about to yawn at one point and he held it back. 

And, of course that a clear winner has emerged from that debate and it is a female. Hillary Clinton. Because Carly Fiorina lied so many times that night. 

But anyway, no initial interview tonight. We go right to the panel tonight which is with Mark Cuban is the entrepreneur and owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team. He stars on “Shark Tank,” which will premier its seventh season on September 25. Twitter: @mcuban. Chris Matthews is the host of MSNBC’s “Hardball with Chris Matthews.” He is the author of six best-selling books, most recently Tip and The Gipper: When Politics Worked. Twitter: @hardball_chris. And with George Pataki is the former Governor of New York and a Republican Presidential candidate. He is president of The Pataki-Cahill Group which works in energy, infrastructure, and clean-tech. Twitter: @governorpataki.

Mark did hold a Trump event at his American Airlines Arena in Dallas that brought over 20K people to it. George Pataki did well at the kid's table debate and Bill was on Chris' show this week. Chris (Mathews) also mentioned today that he was tonight's show. Has Trump Peaked?

I like Mark Cuban's honesty. I actually like Mark Cuban a lot. Even though he never returned my email this year, I do like the guy a lot. I certainly respect him.

BTW, further to the point Chris Mathews stated a minute ago, Trump is starting to repeat himself. In every speech now, he says the same thing. It is getting a bit old to me. 

I agree so much that this delusion about how bad America is today compared to say 6 years ago is just amazing. The numbers are all up compared to then. 

Check it out. These are those pesky little things called facts. These are facts compared from Geirge Bush Jr's. last year to now which isbasically Obama's last year (not accounting for intangibles like the 'Do Nothing Congress' we had in place for years while Obama was POTUS and not counting in the constant battles in our Government over the last few years (i.e.: Government shut down, potential government shut down, opposition to anything Obama placed into action, etc.):

  • Unemployment now is at 5.1% and it was at 7.1% the last year Bush Jr. was in office.
  • Gas prices then were at $3.24 and now they average at $2.21 per gallon.
  • Percentage of the uninsured then was over 15% and now its at 9.2%.
  • Energy independance. We used to import 11 million barrels a day (Jesus BTW...I had no clue it was at that level)and that is now down to 4.5 million barrels per day (Jesus again because I had no clue its at this level but still...for the sake of making this point here, so be it; it is a lot less).
  • Teen Pregnancy was at 40.2 births per thousand compared to 26.5 per 1K now.
  • Iran. Centrifuges. They had 19,000 of them and now they will have less than 6,000 of them.
  • GDP Growth has risen to 3.7% from -.3%.
  • The Dow Jones 10,365 to 16,384.
What is more important? Facts or what people think?

Next, Jeb Bush's nonsense about his brother keeping us safe. This is what I said about that issue this week after that debate:

A couple things that I forgot to mention about the content in that marathon debate the other night that lasted more than three hours is when Jeb Bush mentioned that his brother kept America safe. These people are so linear in their thought process and they are all so guilty of it but they say anything positive, right up to the point where affects them or contradicts what they just said. For instance, did Jeb Bush forget about 9/11? No Jeb, Your Brother Did Not Keep Us ‘Safe’. Jeb doubled down by making that statement into an ad yesterday. 
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Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush doubled down on the idea that his brother “kept us safe” as president on Thursday — making an even more explicit connection to the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center — the day after he made the claim during the second Republican presidential debate on CNN.

During the debate Bush seemed to indicate that George W. Bush ensured American safety after the terrorist attacks. But the photo in the tweet, with his brother standing on the ruins of the World Trade Center as president, is a explicit connection to his brother keeping “us safe” during Sept. 11. It’s a whitewashed version of history.

Much of the analysis following the World Trade Center attacks revealed that the Bush administration ignored warnings that such a plot could be in the works. Declassified documents indicate that Osama bin Laden had been planning the attacks for years. But rather than preparing for potential terrorist attacks, reports indicated that the Bush administration was more focused on missile defense.
Bin laden strike
Furthermore, even if Bush is trying to argue that it was his brother’s post-9/11 counter terrorism strategy that kept America “safe,” most evidence indicates that the war in Iraq was dangerously misguided. The Iraq war wasn’t linked to the attacks on U.S. soil, and a 2006 intelligence report indicated that the U.S. presence in Iraq actually worsened the threat of terrorism. Ultimately, nearly 5,000 American troops and other allied troops gave their lives during the war in Iraq.

Remember the Rubble is what jeb Bush said too. 

Regarding Carly Fiorina, (Mark) Cuban is on it again with regard to her too. It was all presentation because Fact checkers at VOX had a field day with Fiorina:

Her answer on Russia, for instance, was bizarre.

The Sixth Fleet is already huge, and it's hard to say why adding to its capabilities would intimidate Putin — after all, America has enough nuclear weapons pointed at Russia to level the country thousands of times over. Her proposal for more military exercises in the Baltics seemed odd in light of the fact that President Obama is already conducting military exercises in the Baltics. And the US already has around 40,000 troops stationed in Germany, so it's hard to say what good "a few thousand" more would do. And pushing on a missile defense system in Poland is a very long-term solution to a very current problem. In total, Fiorina's laundry list of proposals sure sounded like a plan, but on inspection, it's hard to see why any of them would convince Putin to change course.

Her immigration answer was also odd to anyone who knew the issue's recent history. It's true Obama didn't immediately push immigration reform when he took office, but it was his top priority after reelection, and he spent a solid year trying to make the Senate's comprehensive immigration-reform bill — the one crafted, in part, by Sen. Marco Rubio — into law. That legislation was stopped by Republicans in the House of Representatives, not by the Democrat in the White House. "Send me a comprehensive immigration reform bill in the next few months," Obama begged in 2013, "and I will sign it right away."

Or take her biggest applause line of the night: a riff on the Planned Parenthood tapes that set conservative Twitter afire. "I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama to watch these tapes. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, it's heart beating, it's legs kicking while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain."

The only problem? Nothing like that happens in the Planned Parenthood tapes. As Sarah Kliff, who has watched all the tapes, wrote, "either Fiorina hasn't watched the Planned Parenthood videos or she is knowingly misrepresenting the footage."

This has become something of a habit for Fiorina, who has a notable facility for delivering answers that thrill conservatives but fall apart under close examination. In a recent interview with Katie Couric, for instance, Fiorina delivered a four-minute riff on climate change that the National Review enthused "shows how to address the left on climate change." The only problem, as David Roberts pointed out, was that every single thing she said in it was wrong.

But if presidential campaigns were decided by fact checkers, Al Gore would have won in a landslide. Fiorina is, for now, able to do what her competitors aren't: command a stage, speak in specifics, project knowledge, and elicit roars from a crowd. She's a political outsider in a campaign that favors outsiders, an orthodox conservative at a moment when Republicans are terrified of Donald Trump's heterodoxies, and a woman in a year when most Republicans think Hillary Clinton's main advantage is her gender. And she's now won two debates against the most talented Republican field in a generation.

Fiorina is going to be a force to be reckoned with, even if it's going to leave fact checkers and policy analysts pulling their hair out.

The King Trump Bible is a segment based on how at first with Mark Halperin and John Heilemann in that interview when they asked him (Donald Trump) what is / was his favorite excerpt or maybe it was verse that is in it, and he could not answer it. He disguised the answer saying it was personal but then when asked it again this week or last week, he named a verse that is NOT even in the bible. Its priceless stuff that he gets away with.
The Mid-Show Interview is with Jorge Ramos is the anchor of Fusion’s “AMERICA with Jorge Ramos.” A veteran of broadcast journalism, he has also anchored Univision’s “Noticiero Universidad” since 1986. Twitter: @jorgeramosnews.
Chris Mathews is making a point we touched into above which is how the Republicans and John Boehner hold up bills And, how they are holding them up today. But they get no blame for anything when it comes to progress. It all gets blamed on President Blackenstein. Granted, he made promises like all politicians do during campaigns, but executing them must go through a boat load of channels.

When it comes to that kid blamed for bringing in that clock that looks like a bomb into school, well it did look like a friggin' bomb. Please. What would you do as a teacher in that class? I was at the post office one day and these people were questioning a box I placed near the counter while I used the automated system. Granted, the kid does deserve an apology but at the same time, the thing resembled bombs that had blown people and things up. Maybe talking to the teacher about it could have helped which is Mark Cubans point. I agree all around. I would have had it checked out. And, the kid should NOT have been arrested for it. There is zero tolerance in schools. Especially with regard to bomb making and with guns and bullets or anything that could kill things. How do we know is what Chris Mathews is saying and I agree. How the hell would know without knowing? And, there you go. Mark Cuban said what I said. He should not have been arrested. But then again, it sounds like he was detained. Not arrested. Like I doubt he will have to be arraigned or have to deal with a trial because of it. I assume at the very least or most, is that any arrest will be dropped. He (Ahmed) did get lots of attention because of it and actually, MIT invited him to that school. I saw that happen on the Chris Hayes show this week.

The Pope is coming here. The Pope is coming to DC, New York and to Philadelphia. And, who knew Mark Cuban was in part Jewish. 

It is time for New Rules:
And, finally New Rule – The Sunk Cost Fallacy
Web Exclusive New Rule - Frank and Cents
Web Exclusive New Rule - Sandy Potemkin
Bill and his guests – Jorge Ramos, Chris Matthews, Mark Cuban and former NY Gov. George Pataki – answer viewer questions after the show. 

Overtime Overseas – September 18, 2015 only on HBO.