will always have people selling doom," says Reason's Science Correspondent
Ronald Bailey. "It's lucrative and it makes you sound serious. But they will be
proved wrong."
In his new book, The End of Doom: Environmental Renewal
in the 21st Century, Bailey acknowledges the reality of climate change, but
insists that humans will utilize technological advancements in solar, nuclear,
and other forms of energy to manage any hazards long before oft-predicted
calamity strikes. Bailey argues that world population will peak later this
century and prices for all sorts of commodities—from oil to food to metals—will
continue to fall as well.
Bailey paints a highly optimistic vision not
just for the environment but for human flourishing in general, a point of view
he concedes is generally not as good for book sales as visions of the apocalypse
are. But he, notes, the optimistic vision does have the advantage of being true.