Weeping cow now saved! Amazing ! Crying Cow - now saved!
"I saw a cow that was crying . My world collapsed and all I had ever believed . [ ... ] " - Gabriele buses Poetryslammerin
Emma has long been tethered and only rarely in the pasture . Compassionate people have saved it and the farmers bought before you should for Schlachter .
When Kuhrettung Rhein- Berg has now found a new home .
Music Source: Audio Jungle
Titel1 . " Devia Vita " by Derek Palmer
Title 2. " Happy " from code music
Rescued Ducklings Swim for the First Time
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
these two ducklings swim for the first time will leave you quacking with
joy. It's never a good idea to give an animal as a gift: Just ask Harry
and Houdini. A man gave the pair of ducklings to his wife as Valentine's Day
gifts. Like many people who receive animals as gifts, she had no idea how to
care for them—so Harry and Houdini sat, day after day, in a plastic crate in the
couple's living room. For two weeks, the ducklings never swam in a pond or saw
the open sky—they never even left the crate, which grew filthier every
But finally, the woman called PETA and asked us to take the
ducklings. When we arrived to rescue them, their tiny crate was covered with a
two-week build-up of their own waste. But with the help of the Virginia Beach
SPCA, we freed them from the filthy crate, cleaned them up, and gave them space
to spread their wings—and soon they were off to their permanent home at a
peaceful vegetarian farm in the country.
Rescued Ducklings Swim for the First Time
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
these two ducklings swim for the first time will leave you quacking with
It's never a good idea to give an animal as a gift: Just ask Harry
and Houdini. A man gave the pair of ducklings to his wife as Valentine's Day
gifts. Like many people who receive animals as gifts, she had no idea how to
care for them—so Harry and Houdini sat, day after day, in a plastic crate in the
couple's living room. For two weeks, the ducklings never swam in a pond or saw
the open sky—they never even left the crate, which grew filthier every
But finally, the woman called PETA and asked us to take the
ducklings. When we arrived to rescue them, their tiny crate was covered with a
two-week build-up of their own waste. But with the help of the Virginia Beach
SPCA, we freed them from the filthy crate, cleaned them up, and gave them space
to spread their wings—and soon they were off to their permanent home at a
peaceful vegetarian farm in the country.
One Giant Pig's Big Transformation
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
Boy was one of a group of 11 pigs whom PETA fieldworkers stumbled upon while
delivering straw bedding and doghouses to needy dogs in rural North Carolina.
The pigs' living conditions were appalling: Their dilapidated makeshift pen was
filthy and so littered with discarded wood, tin roofing, and other junk that the
pigs had trouble walking around. Their accumulated waste was attracting biting
flies, and the pigs had no water or shelter from the scorching sun.
sanctuary in Maryland was able to accommodate most of the pigs—but Big Boy,
being, well, big and a boy, was trickier to place. We recently located the
perfect place for him—a sanctuary where he would be in the company of other big
boys: The Pig Preserve in Jamestown, Tennessee.
When Jeff and Diana Hall set out on a vacation to La Paz, Mexico, they expected to get some sun and spend some time relaxing, rescuing 34 stray dogs wasn’t exactly on the agenda – but hey, it’s not truly a vacation unless you deviate from the schedule a little bit, right? The Halls were shocked to see so many homeless animals living on the beach over the course of their vacation and were compelled to learn more about the stray animal epidemic in the country. Knowing that they wouldn’t be able to take the dogs and cats back home with them to the U.S., they opted for a different solution, working with local and U.S.-based shelters to find forever homes for these needy animals.
Coordinating with a local and a California-based no-kill shelter, the Halls set out to raise funds to relocate the 34 dogs they encountered on their trip.
Naming the dogs the Baja34Pack, the Halls launched a GoFundMe campaign to help these 34 dogs, but then opted to set up an entire Baja34 Rescue Project that would benefit even more stray animals in the area.
Thanks to generous contributions, the Baja34Pack are currently being taken care of at K9 Rancho, a local no-kill shelter, and preparing for their journey to a shelter in Minnesota that will help them find their forever homes! The additional funds raised on the Hall’s GoFundMe page will help for the care of other stray dogs living at K9 Rancho as well as cover costs to transport them to the U.S. and Canada as open shelter space becomes available.
We don’t know about you, but we couldn’t think of a better way to spend a vacation!
You can make a contribution to the Baja34 Rescue Project by click here.
All image source: Baja34/Facebook
There is really no questioning the brutality inherent in the dog fighting industry, however, most people don’t realize the extent of the cruelty that goes on. To train larger dogs to “fight to the death,” dog fighters use “bait dogs.” These dogs are typically the smaller or more docile animals in the group and because they are not viewed as valuable fighters, they become live bait to teach the others how to kill.
Sadly, most bait dogs never survive these brutal attacks and the ones that do are not given any medical attention but left for dead.
The two dogs in this video were lucky enough to be rescued from this horrific life thanks to World Animal Awareness Society (WA2S). How anyone could subject an animal to such abuse is absolutely lost on us, but we are so thankful that there also are kind people who can provide hope for these animals.
It is only the beginning of the road to recovery for these two pups; to follow their journey, click here.
Every living being deserves the chance to enjoy the time they have on Earth. This is something that nearly everyone can agree upon, but sadly, many people still do things every day that prevent this from becoming a reality for animals. Luckily, for every person who exploits, abuses, or neglects animals, there are many kind and compassionate people working to provide these downtrodden creatures with the chance to enjoy their lives, free of harm.
Animals Asia is a wonderful organization that is working to make this a reality bears in the bile industry. This video captures the journey of Oliver the moon bear who spent 30 years trapped in a crush cage where his bile fluid was drained daily to produce commercial bear bile.
Years of living in these conditions left Oliver incredibly sick and weak, to the point where his rescuers weren’t confident that he would survive the journey from the bile farm to his new sanctuary home. But with their incredible skill and determination, the Animals Asia team refused to give up hope.
The journey might have been long, and the process of saving Oliver was undoubtedly trying, but it was all worth it in the end to give this bear the chance to live the life he always deserved.
"I saw a cow that was crying . My world collapsed and all I had ever believed . [ ... ] " - Gabriele buses Poetryslammerin
Emma has long been tethered and only rarely in the pasture . Compassionate people have saved it and the farmers bought before you should for Schlachter .
When Kuhrettung Rhein- Berg has now found a new home .
Music Source: Audio Jungle
Titel1 . " Devia Vita " by Derek Palmer
Title 2. " Happy " from code music
When Jeff and Diana Hall set out on a vacation to La Paz, Mexico, they expected to get some sun and spend some time relaxing, rescuing 34 stray dogs wasn’t exactly on the agenda – but hey, it’s not truly a vacation unless you deviate from the schedule a little bit, right? The Halls were shocked to see so many homeless animals living on the beach over the course of their vacation and were compelled to learn more about the stray animal epidemic in the country. Knowing that they wouldn’t be able to take the dogs and cats back home with them to the U.S., they opted for a different solution, working with local and U.S.-based shelters to find forever homes for these needy animals.
Coordinating with a local and a California-based no-kill shelter, the Halls set out to raise funds to relocate the 34 dogs they encountered on their trip.
Naming the dogs the Baja34Pack, the Halls launched a GoFundMe campaign to help these 34 dogs, but then opted to set up an entire Baja34 Rescue Project that would benefit even more stray animals in the area.
Thanks to generous contributions, the Baja34Pack are currently being taken care of at K9 Rancho, a local no-kill shelter, and preparing for their journey to a shelter in Minnesota that will help them find their forever homes! The additional funds raised on the Hall’s GoFundMe page will help for the care of other stray dogs living at K9 Rancho as well as cover costs to transport them to the U.S. and Canada as open shelter space becomes available.
We don’t know about you, but we couldn’t think of a better way to spend a vacation!
You can make a contribution to the Baja34 Rescue Project by click here.
All image source: Baja34/Facebook
There is really no questioning the brutality inherent in the dog fighting industry, however, most people don’t realize the extent of the cruelty that goes on. To train larger dogs to “fight to the death,” dog fighters use “bait dogs.” These dogs are typically the smaller or more docile animals in the group and because they are not viewed as valuable fighters, they become live bait to teach the others how to kill.
Sadly, most bait dogs never survive these brutal attacks and the ones that do are not given any medical attention but left for dead.
The two dogs in this video were lucky enough to be rescued from this horrific life thanks to World Animal Awareness Society (WA2S). How anyone could subject an animal to such abuse is absolutely lost on us, but we are so thankful that there also are kind people who can provide hope for these animals.
It is only the beginning of the road to recovery for these two pups; to follow their journey, click here.
Sadly, most bait dogs never survive these brutal attacks and the ones that do are not given any medical attention but left for dead.
The two dogs in this video were lucky enough to be rescued from this horrific life thanks to World Animal Awareness Society (WA2S). How anyone could subject an animal to such abuse is absolutely lost on us, but we are so thankful that there also are kind people who can provide hope for these animals.
It is only the beginning of the road to recovery for these two pups; to follow their journey, click here.
Every living being deserves the chance to enjoy the time they have on Earth. This is something that nearly everyone can agree upon, but sadly, many people still do things every day that prevent this from becoming a reality for animals. Luckily, for every person who exploits, abuses, or neglects animals, there are many kind and compassionate people working to provide these downtrodden creatures with the chance to enjoy their lives, free of harm.
Animals Asia is a wonderful organization that is working to make this a reality bears in the bile industry. This video captures the journey of Oliver the moon bear who spent 30 years trapped in a crush cage where his bile fluid was drained daily to produce commercial bear bile.
Years of living in these conditions left Oliver incredibly sick and weak, to the point where his rescuers weren’t confident that he would survive the journey from the bile farm to his new sanctuary home. But with their incredible skill and determination, the Animals Asia team refused to give up hope.
The journey might have been long, and the process of saving Oliver was undoubtedly trying, but it was all worth it in the end to give this bear the chance to live the life he always deserved.
Animals Asia is a wonderful organization that is working to make this a reality bears in the bile industry. This video captures the journey of Oliver the moon bear who spent 30 years trapped in a crush cage where his bile fluid was drained daily to produce commercial bear bile.
Years of living in these conditions left Oliver incredibly sick and weak, to the point where his rescuers weren’t confident that he would survive the journey from the bile farm to his new sanctuary home. But with their incredible skill and determination, the Animals Asia team refused to give up hope.
The journey might have been long, and the process of saving Oliver was undoubtedly trying, but it was all worth it in the end to give this bear the chance to live the life he always deserved.
27 Dogs Sterilized on Elephanta Caves Island

IDA India's first spay/neuter camp at Elephanta Caves Island, was conducted
successfully! Elephanta Island is roughly 10km off the coast of Mumbai, India
and the only access is by boats. 27 dogs were sterilized successfully in two
days! Several problems were anticipated and dealt with; a tricky commute was one
issue, limited power supply was another. The island gets electricity for only
two hours per day. We arranged for a diesel powered generator, and invited the
ever helpful and dedicated Dr. Jinesh Shah and Surgeon Dr. Zenobia to hold this
camp and they readily agreed.
Generous donors contributed towards this program and our good staff willingly
offered to stay there-in a dilapidated room without electricity. We hope to
hold more such camps in the future now that we have gained confidence from this
We take up challenges whenever we can because the animals need for us to all
move out of our comfort zones and do whatever can be done for them. The dogs
here were suffering, and so we took up the challenge and the journey began!
This camp is thanks to the 'never-say-no' indomitable spirit of our very own
Fizzah Shah and Goodicia Vaidya who put in all the hard planning work to see
this through! A big thanks to the two of them.
Meet Nora
Barely able to stand on her own, this poor girl was cruelly dumped at the gates of In Defense of Animals’ Hope Animal Sanctuary in Grenada, Mississippi in late December of last year. When she was found by rescuers, she weighed only 25 pounds, which was easily only half of what she should have weighed, and the muscle and fat deposits around her body were consumed by severe starvation as her body literally ate itself from the inside in a desperate metabolic gamble to just live for one more day. Our best guess is that Nora is 7 or 8 years old, and the imprint of a collar around her neck indicates that she was likely chained outside for long periods of time. Nora also came to us heartworm positive, a life threatening condition requiring additional care and treatment. Nora’s body was so frail and thin when she was found that it was necessary for her to rest on a special Kuranda dog bed so that her bones and joints would not become injured from coming into contact with hard surfaces.
With no guilty party to be found, the person(s) responsible for the crime of abandoning this sweet girl will go unpunished. No one saw, and no one has claimed responsibility. Nora has galvanized the resolve of In Defense of Animals to protect Nora and others like her and it was her abandonment and the abandonment of a litter of puppies at the local dump that prompted us to establish a standing Companion Animals Abandoned Reward of $750.00 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of persons committing the crime of abandoning animal companions.
Since finding her that chilly December morning, Nora has made a miraculous recovery. Not only has her story inspired generous donations of blankets, food, toys and other animal care supplies, but she has already found her new forever home. A loving family instantly fell in love with her the moment they first saw her picture on the Sanctuary Facebook page. This new loving family immediately arranged for her adoption and are now waiting patiently for her to complete treatment for heartworms before welcoming Nora to her new home.
In Defense of Animals offers a $750.00 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of persons caught abandoning animals in Grenada County, Mississippi. Please contact Sharon Stone at 662-466-0906 or Doll Stanley at 662-809-4483 if you witness crimes such as these being committed.
“Escaped Cow Still on the Loose!”; “The World’s Fastest Cow!”; “Cow Becomes Local Hero!”; “Cow to Get Key to the City!” These are just a few of the news headlines that a snow white Charolais cow inspired in 2002 when she took a courageous leap of faith, cleared a 6-foot-high fence at a Cincinnati, Ohio slaughterhouse, and engaged citizens in a dramatic 11-day chase that gained national attention and still has people talking today.
As she resisted capture time and again, staying hidden in a park where she foraged and rested when she could, the courageous cow demonstrated an unbendable will, and her tremendous fight for survival resonated with the public. By the time of her capture, she had won the hearts of so many that calls for mercy poured into the city from all over the country. In the end, it was a plea from renowned artist Peter Max that brought the brave bovine safely to our New York Shelter, where she was named Cincinnati Freedom and given the liberty she always deserved.
An Insatiable Desire to Live - Though one of our most elusive residents, choosing the company of cattle over people, Cinci nonetheless received countless visitors through the years, each one eager to catch a glimpse of the valiant cow they followed in the news. While sanctuary guests were unable to touch her, everyone who saw her was affected by Cinci all the same, as even her posture and gaze spoke of the intense life force burning within her and an acute awareness of the special place she inhabited in the world. Most were awed in Cinci’s presence, as she was a living testament to the desire for life we — human or animal — all share.
Cinci’s effect on members of the cattle herd was equally profound. Forming a natural bond with other famous slaughterhouse escapees who came to the shelter before and after her (including Queenie, Annie Dodge, and Maxine), Cinci traveled with her strong, faithful female companions as an inseparable unit — the members of which moved gracefully and intuitively together as if all were of one body and one mind. But her spirit breathed life into the entire cattle herd, as well. While Cinci preferred that we humans keep a respectful distance, she connected with every cow and steer, treating each of them with the utmost tenderness and love.
A Fallen Hero
IDA India's first spay/neuter camp at Elephanta Caves Island, was conducted successfully! Elephanta Island is roughly 10km off the coast of Mumbai, India and the only access is by boats. 27 dogs were sterilized successfully in two days! Several problems were anticipated and dealt with; a tricky commute was one issue, limited power supply was another. The island gets electricity for only two hours per day. We arranged for a diesel powered generator, and invited the ever helpful and dedicated Dr. Jinesh Shah and Surgeon Dr. Zenobia to hold this camp and they readily agreed.
Generous donors contributed towards this program and our good staff willingly offered to stay there-in a dilapidated room without electricity. We hope to hold more such camps in the future now that we have gained confidence from this one.
We take up challenges whenever we can because the animals need for us to all move out of our comfort zones and do whatever can be done for them. The dogs here were suffering, and so we took up the challenge and the journey began!
This camp is thanks to the 'never-say-no' indomitable spirit of our very own Fizzah Shah and Goodicia Vaidya who put in all the hard planning work to see this through! A big thanks to the two of them.
Meet Nora
Barely able to stand on her own, this poor girl was cruelly dumped at the gates of In Defense of Animals’ Hope Animal Sanctuary in Grenada, Mississippi in late December of last year. When she was found by rescuers, she weighed only 25 pounds, which was easily only half of what she should have weighed, and the muscle and fat deposits around her body were consumed by severe starvation as her body literally ate itself from the inside in a desperate metabolic gamble to just live for one more day. Our best guess is that Nora is 7 or 8 years old, and the imprint of a collar around her neck indicates that she was likely chained outside for long periods of time. Nora also came to us heartworm positive, a life threatening condition requiring additional care and treatment. Nora’s body was so frail and thin when she was found that it was necessary for her to rest on a special Kuranda dog bed so that her bones and joints would not become injured from coming into contact with hard surfaces.
With no guilty party to be found, the person(s) responsible for the crime of abandoning this sweet girl will go unpunished. No one saw, and no one has claimed responsibility. Nora has galvanized the resolve of In Defense of Animals to protect Nora and others like her and it was her abandonment and the abandonment of a litter of puppies at the local dump that prompted us to establish a standing Companion Animals Abandoned Reward of $750.00 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of persons committing the crime of abandoning animal companions.
Since finding her that chilly December morning, Nora has made a miraculous recovery. Not only has her story inspired generous donations of blankets, food, toys and other animal care supplies, but she has already found her new forever home. A loving family instantly fell in love with her the moment they first saw her picture on the Sanctuary Facebook page. This new loving family immediately arranged for her adoption and are now waiting patiently for her to complete treatment for heartworms before welcoming Nora to her new home.
In Defense of Animals offers a $750.00 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of persons caught abandoning animals in Grenada County, Mississippi. Please contact Sharon Stone at 662-466-0906 or Doll Stanley at 662-809-4483 if you witness crimes such as these being committed.
With no guilty party to be found, the person(s) responsible for the crime of abandoning this sweet girl will go unpunished. No one saw, and no one has claimed responsibility. Nora has galvanized the resolve of In Defense of Animals to protect Nora and others like her and it was her abandonment and the abandonment of a litter of puppies at the local dump that prompted us to establish a standing Companion Animals Abandoned Reward of $750.00 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of persons committing the crime of abandoning animal companions.
Since finding her that chilly December morning, Nora has made a miraculous recovery. Not only has her story inspired generous donations of blankets, food, toys and other animal care supplies, but she has already found her new forever home. A loving family instantly fell in love with her the moment they first saw her picture on the Sanctuary Facebook page. This new loving family immediately arranged for her adoption and are now waiting patiently for her to complete treatment for heartworms before welcoming Nora to her new home.
In Defense of Animals offers a $750.00 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of persons caught abandoning animals in Grenada County, Mississippi. Please contact Sharon Stone at 662-466-0906 or Doll Stanley at 662-809-4483 if you witness crimes such as these being committed.
“Escaped Cow Still on the Loose!”; “The World’s Fastest Cow!”; “Cow Becomes Local Hero!”; “Cow to Get Key to the City!” These are just a few of the news headlines that a snow white Charolais cow inspired in 2002 when she took a courageous leap of faith, cleared a 6-foot-high fence at a Cincinnati, Ohio slaughterhouse, and engaged citizens in a dramatic 11-day chase that gained national attention and still has people talking today.
As she resisted capture time and again, staying hidden in a park where she foraged and rested when she could, the courageous cow demonstrated an unbendable will, and her tremendous fight for survival resonated with the public. By the time of her capture, she had won the hearts of so many that calls for mercy poured into the city from all over the country. In the end, it was a plea from renowned artist Peter Max that brought the brave bovine safely to our New York Shelter, where she was named Cincinnati Freedom and given the liberty she always deserved.
A Fallen Hero
The adoration and devotion the herd felt for Cinci in return was never more apparent than when she, after six years of living among dear friends at the sanctuary, suddenly lost use of her back legs and became immobile. As we anxiously awaited results of veterinary diagnostics, Cinci’s friends, Maxine and Robin, stayed by her side – and remained there constantly through that first difficult night. The next morning, we received the tragic news that Cinci had spinal cancer, a terminal illness that often progresses quickly in cattle and only becomes apparent when the size of the tumor increases and causes sudden pressure on the animal’s spine. With heavy hearts, we also learned that this cancer could not be kept at bay.
When it came time to say goodbye to Cinci, the herd gathered close around her. One of the eldest steers, Kevin, stepped forward to lick her face, while Iris, an older female, licked her back, soothing and keeping her calm up until she took her final breath. After our beautiful girl passed, every member of the herd approached to say goodbye, each one sharing with Cinci one last moment of affection. Though heartbreaking, the herd’s mourning ritual was also beautiful and comforting, as there was no doubt that Cinci not only lived, but also died knowing that she was cherished by all.
The brilliant light that radiated from Cinci burned out too soon, leaving a void that won’t be easily filled. Though it is difficult to reconcile the loss of one who lived so passionately, we are heartened by the lessons she taught all of us while she was alive. Most of all, we are grateful for the life Cinci led when courage and compassion set her free, allowing her not only to live, but to love with all her heart and be loved so fully in return.
All image source: Farm Sanctuary
When Caitlyn the Staffordshire bull terrier mix was first found by a South Carolina resident she was in a terrible state. The poor 15-month-old dog had electrical tape tightly wrapped around her muzzle and it had cut off all circulation to her nose and tongue. Although vets estimate the tape had only been there for 48 hours, the damage that it had done was extensive.
Thankfully, the person who found Caitlyn immediately contacted the authorities and she was rushed to the Charleston Animal Society. Despite the abuse and trauma she has suffered, Caitlyn is making amazing strides towards recovery with the help of her kind caretakers.
The man responsible for doing this to Caitlyn, William Leonard Dodson, has been arrested on a felony charge of animal torture and his current bail is set at $50,000. Additionally, another dog in Dodson’s care has since been removed from his possession and the court records show that he will not be able to have any animals in the future. We can only hope that Leonard’s final sentence will be suited to the severity of this crime.
Caitlyn is now strong enough to eat and drink on her own and with a little time and lots of love, we are sure she will be ready to find a new, loving forever home soon.
Image source: Charleston Animal Society
One of the largest questions surrounding marine animal captivity is whether these animals would be able to survive if released back into the wild. Many people think that species like dolphins and orca whales lose their natural abilities and instincts when in captivity, rendering them helpless in a wild environment. While this might be the case for animals who are born into captivity, as they never truly learn how to act like a wild member of their species, those that are born in the wild and then forced into captivity do have the potential to relearn and remember essential skills.
The two dolphins in this video, Tom and Misha were captured from the wild off the coast of Turkey for use in “swim with dolphin” attractions. Thanks to a campaign from BornFree and a local organization, however, Tom and Misha were rehomed from their captive facility to an open water sea pen managed by the Back to the Blue Project.
Under the guidance of Jeff Foster, an experienced animal behaviorist, the Back to the Blue Project’s aimed to rehabilitate Tom and Misha and prepare them to be released back into the wild. It took around 20 weeks of hard work, but Tom and Misha were able to relearn all the important survival skills they lost while in captivity.
We could not be more thrilled to see these two dolphins return to their rightful home. A big thanks to all the kind people who made it happen!
Buddy the 23-Year-Old Cat is Finally Reunited With His Best Friend After Going Missing for Days.
There is no length of time or distance that can tarnish the bond between a pet and their guardian. We have seen many cases where a beloved animal goes missing, sometimes foryears on end, but when they are finally reunited with their caretaker, it seems like no time has passed at all!
This was certainly the case for Buddy the cat and his pet parent Tom.
Buddy came into Tom’s life through his brother, who had taken a liking to Buddy, a neighborhood stray in their hometown of Dallas, Texas. After feeding Buddy for nearly three years, Tom’s brother passed away. In memory of his brother, Tom took up the task of caring for Buddy and over the course of the next 20 years, the stray cat became his.
Buddy recently went missing for a few days on end; he is 23 years old and has become frail with his age, so Tom set out searching for his lost friend.
Luckily, a North Dallas resident found Buddy and contacted the local authorities for help. An animal control officer brought the elderly cat into Dallas Animal Services and cared for him for several days. Because Buddy was so thin and fragile, they feared that he wouldn’t make it through the night, but did everything they could to make him comfortable. An attending veterinarian stayed with Buddy over a holiday weekend and the team remained determined to find this elderly cat’s caretaker.
By chance, Tom happened to run into a neighbor who heard that the animal shelter recently took in an elderly cat and went to see if the cat was his Buddy – it was!
Finally, after what must have felt like decades to both Tom and Buddy, this happy pair was reunited.
Don’t you just love happy endings!
Image source: Dallas Animal Shelter/Facebook
The Michigan Humane Society sprung into action after receiving a call about a puppy being lodged in a drain pipe in a Detroit home. The poor little pup had been stuck in the pipe since the night before and his cries were barely audible from the home’s kitchen. How the puppy managed to wedge itself in the tiny crawl space is unknown, but the humane society rescue team knew that getting it out would require a lot of heavy lifting. Literally.
Because of the location of the puppy and the pipe itself, this wasn’t your standard rescue mission. In order to reach the pup, rescuers had to rig a camera through the pipe to locate the dog and then devise a plan to extract it from the exact site. This meant finding the drain pipe and digging up the surrounding area in order to access the pipe itself.
We have seen some people go to amazing lengths to rescue an animal, but we have to say it’s the first time we’ve ever seen a group dig up the foundation of a house to do so. That’s true dedication.
Because of the location of the puppy and the pipe itself, this wasn’t your standard rescue mission. In order to reach the pup, rescuers had to rig a camera through the pipe to locate the dog and then devise a plan to extract it from the exact site. This meant finding the drain pipe and digging up the surrounding area in order to access the pipe itself.
We have seen some people go to amazing lengths to rescue an animal, but we have to say it’s the first time we’ve ever seen a group dig up the foundation of a house to do so. That’s true dedication.
Whenever we see a lost animal roaming the streets we always do everything in our power to return them to their loving parents. While we would never want to think about what would happen if our own pets were to escape or get lost, in the off chance that this did happen, we would hope that another kind person would help to return them. It is a small action, but taking the time to reunite a pet with their guardian is a truly amazing act. Just check out the reaction the woman in this video has when she is finally reunited with her missing dog.
The little dog had been missing for several weeks and the woman’s daughter took to social media to help recover her mother’s lost pooch. After a long series of coordination through Craiglist and Facebook, the daughter finally managed to track down her mom’s beloved pup and get her home!
A small act of kindness sure does go a long way!
The little dog had been missing for several weeks and the woman’s daughter took to social media to help recover her mother’s lost pooch. After a long series of coordination through Craiglist and Facebook, the daughter finally managed to track down her mom’s beloved pup and get her home!
A small act of kindness sure does go a long way!
Though one of our most elusive residents, choosing the company of cattle over people, Cinci nonetheless received countless visitors through the years, each one eager to catch a glimpse of the valiant cow they followed in the news. While sanctuary guests were unable to touch her, everyone who saw her was affected by Cinci all the same, as even her posture and gaze spoke of the intense life force burning within her and an acute awareness of the special place she inhabited in the world. Most were awed in Cinci’s presence, as she was a living testament to the desire for life we — human or animal — all share.
Cinci’s effect on members of the cattle herd was equally profound. Forming a natural bond with other famous slaughterhouse escapees who came to the shelter before and after her (including Queenie, Annie Dodge, and Maxine), Cinci traveled with her strong, faithful female companions as an inseparable unit — the members of which moved gracefully and intuitively together as if all were of one body and one mind. But her spirit breathed life into the entire cattle herd, as well. While Cinci preferred that we humans keep a respectful distance, she connected with every cow and steer, treating each of them with the utmost tenderness and love.
A Fallen Hero
The adoration and devotion the herd felt for Cinci in return was never more apparent than when she, after six years of living among dear friends at the sanctuary, suddenly lost use of her back legs and became immobile. As we anxiously awaited results of veterinary diagnostics, Cinci’s friends, Maxine and Robin, stayed by her side – and remained there constantly through that first difficult night. The next morning, we received the tragic news that Cinci had spinal cancer, a terminal illness that often progresses quickly in cattle and only becomes apparent when the size of the tumor increases and causes sudden pressure on the animal’s spine. With heavy hearts, we also learned that this cancer could not be kept at bay.
When it came time to say goodbye to Cinci, the herd gathered close around her. One of the eldest steers, Kevin, stepped forward to lick her face, while Iris, an older female, licked her back, soothing and keeping her calm up until she took her final breath. After our beautiful girl passed, every member of the herd approached to say goodbye, each one sharing with Cinci one last moment of affection. Though heartbreaking, the herd’s mourning ritual was also beautiful and comforting, as there was no doubt that Cinci not only lived, but also died knowing that she was cherished by all.
The brilliant light that radiated from Cinci burned out too soon, leaving a void that won’t be easily filled. Though it is difficult to reconcile the loss of one who lived so passionately, we are heartened by the lessons she taught all of us while she was alive. Most of all, we are grateful for the life Cinci led when courage and compassion set her free, allowing her not only to live, but to love with all her heart and be loved so fully in return.
All image source: Farm Sanctuary
When Caitlyn the Staffordshire bull terrier mix was first found by a South Carolina resident she was in a terrible state. The poor 15-month-old dog had electrical tape tightly wrapped around her muzzle and it had cut off all circulation to her nose and tongue. Although vets estimate the tape had only been there for 48 hours, the damage that it had done was extensive.
Thankfully, the person who found Caitlyn immediately contacted the authorities and she was rushed to the Charleston Animal Society. Despite the abuse and trauma she has suffered, Caitlyn is making amazing strides towards recovery with the help of her kind caretakers.
The man responsible for doing this to Caitlyn, William Leonard Dodson, has been arrested on a felony charge of animal torture and his current bail is set at $50,000. Additionally, another dog in Dodson’s care has since been removed from his possession and the court records show that he will not be able to have any animals in the future. We can only hope that Leonard’s final sentence will be suited to the severity of this crime.
Caitlyn is now strong enough to eat and drink on her own and with a little time and lots of love, we are sure she will be ready to find a new, loving forever home soon.
Image source: Charleston Animal Society
One of the largest questions surrounding marine animal captivity is whether these animals would be able to survive if released back into the wild. Many people think that species like dolphins and orca whales lose their natural abilities and instincts when in captivity, rendering them helpless in a wild environment. While this might be the case for animals who are born into captivity, as they never truly learn how to act like a wild member of their species, those that are born in the wild and then forced into captivity do have the potential to relearn and remember essential skills.
The two dolphins in this video, Tom and Misha were captured from the wild off the coast of Turkey for use in “swim with dolphin” attractions. Thanks to a campaign from BornFree and a local organization, however, Tom and Misha were rehomed from their captive facility to an open water sea pen managed by the Back to the Blue Project.
Under the guidance of Jeff Foster, an experienced animal behaviorist, the Back to the Blue Project’s aimed to rehabilitate Tom and Misha and prepare them to be released back into the wild. It took around 20 weeks of hard work, but Tom and Misha were able to relearn all the important survival skills they lost while in captivity.
We could not be more thrilled to see these two dolphins return to their rightful home. A big thanks to all the kind people who made it happen!
Buddy the 23-Year-Old Cat is Finally Reunited With His Best Friend After Going Missing for Days.
There is no length of time or distance that can tarnish the bond between a pet and their guardian. We have seen many cases where a beloved animal goes missing, sometimes foryears on end, but when they are finally reunited with their caretaker, it seems like no time has passed at all!
This was certainly the case for Buddy the cat and his pet parent Tom.
Buddy came into Tom’s life through his brother, who had taken a liking to Buddy, a neighborhood stray in their hometown of Dallas, Texas. After feeding Buddy for nearly three years, Tom’s brother passed away. In memory of his brother, Tom took up the task of caring for Buddy and over the course of the next 20 years, the stray cat became his.
Buddy recently went missing for a few days on end; he is 23 years old and has become frail with his age, so Tom set out searching for his lost friend.
Luckily, a North Dallas resident found Buddy and contacted the local authorities for help. An animal control officer brought the elderly cat into Dallas Animal Services and cared for him for several days. Because Buddy was so thin and fragile, they feared that he wouldn’t make it through the night, but did everything they could to make him comfortable. An attending veterinarian stayed with Buddy over a holiday weekend and the team remained determined to find this elderly cat’s caretaker.
By chance, Tom happened to run into a neighbor who heard that the animal shelter recently took in an elderly cat and went to see if the cat was his Buddy – it was!
Finally, after what must have felt like decades to both Tom and Buddy, this happy pair was reunited.
Don’t you just love happy endings!
Image source: Dallas Animal Shelter/Facebook
The Michigan Humane Society sprung into action after receiving a call about a puppy being lodged in a drain pipe in a Detroit home. The poor little pup had been stuck in the pipe since the night before and his cries were barely audible from the home’s kitchen. How the puppy managed to wedge itself in the tiny crawl space is unknown, but the humane society rescue team knew that getting it out would require a lot of heavy lifting. Literally.
Because of the location of the puppy and the pipe itself, this wasn’t your standard rescue mission. In order to reach the pup, rescuers had to rig a camera through the pipe to locate the dog and then devise a plan to extract it from the exact site. This meant finding the drain pipe and digging up the surrounding area in order to access the pipe itself.
We have seen some people go to amazing lengths to rescue an animal, but we have to say it’s the first time we’ve ever seen a group dig up the foundation of a house to do so. That’s true dedication.
Whenever we see a lost animal roaming the streets we always do everything in our power to return them to their loving parents. While we would never want to think about what would happen if our own pets were to escape or get lost, in the off chance that this did happen, we would hope that another kind person would help to return them. It is a small action, but taking the time to reunite a pet with their guardian is a truly amazing act. Just check out the reaction the woman in this video has when she is finally reunited with her missing dog.
The little dog had been missing for several weeks and the woman’s daughter took to social media to help recover her mother’s lost pooch. After a long series of coordination through Craiglist and Facebook, the daughter finally managed to track down her mom’s beloved pup and get her home!
A small act of kindness sure does go a long way!
Baby Rhino Injured in Tiger Attack Takes First Steps in His New Enclosure!
The rhino calf that we saved last November took his first little steps in the open, exploring his paddock at Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC) in Kaziranga, India.
The rhino had had several injuries inflicted by a tiger attack. One was on his left foreleg and pus was oozing from a swelling at the base of its horn. The team rushed him back to CWRC for triage and then a long-term course of medication, dressing and healing.
On the long road to recovery, animal keeper Prasanta Das assiduously cleaned the wounds and treated the calf as a foster mother would. I monitored his healing wounds and provided necessary treatment.
The adoration and devotion the herd felt for Cinci in return was never more apparent than when she, after six years of living among dear friends at the sanctuary, suddenly lost use of her back legs and became immobile. As we anxiously awaited results of veterinary diagnostics, Cinci’s friends, Maxine and Robin, stayed by her side – and remained there constantly through that first difficult night. The next morning, we received the tragic news that Cinci had spinal cancer, a terminal illness that often progresses quickly in cattle and only becomes apparent when the size of the tumor increases and causes sudden pressure on the animal’s spine. With heavy hearts, we also learned that this cancer could not be kept at bay.
When it came time to say goodbye to Cinci, the herd gathered close around her. One of the eldest steers, Kevin, stepped forward to lick her face, while Iris, an older female, licked her back, soothing and keeping her calm up until she took her final breath. After our beautiful girl passed, every member of the herd approached to say goodbye, each one sharing with Cinci one last moment of affection. Though heartbreaking, the herd’s mourning ritual was also beautiful and comforting, as there was no doubt that Cinci not only lived, but also died knowing that she was cherished by all.
The brilliant light that radiated from Cinci burned out too soon, leaving a void that won’t be easily filled. Though it is difficult to reconcile the loss of one who lived so passionately, we are heartened by the lessons she taught all of us while she was alive. Most of all, we are grateful for the life Cinci led when courage and compassion set her free, allowing her not only to live, but to love with all her heart and be loved so fully in return.
All image source: Farm Sanctuary
When Caitlyn the Staffordshire bull terrier mix was first found by a South Carolina resident she was in a terrible state. The poor 15-month-old dog had electrical tape tightly wrapped around her muzzle and it had cut off all circulation to her nose and tongue. Although vets estimate the tape had only been there for 48 hours, the damage that it had done was extensive.
Thankfully, the person who found Caitlyn immediately contacted the authorities and she was rushed to the Charleston Animal Society. Despite the abuse and trauma she has suffered, Caitlyn is making amazing strides towards recovery with the help of her kind caretakers.
The man responsible for doing this to Caitlyn, William Leonard Dodson, has been arrested on a felony charge of animal torture and his current bail is set at $50,000. Additionally, another dog in Dodson’s care has since been removed from his possession and the court records show that he will not be able to have any animals in the future. We can only hope that Leonard’s final sentence will be suited to the severity of this crime.
Caitlyn is now strong enough to eat and drink on her own and with a little time and lots of love, we are sure she will be ready to find a new, loving forever home soon.
Image source: Charleston Animal Society
One of the largest questions surrounding marine animal captivity is whether these animals would be able to survive if released back into the wild. Many people think that species like dolphins and orca whales lose their natural abilities and instincts when in captivity, rendering them helpless in a wild environment. While this might be the case for animals who are born into captivity, as they never truly learn how to act like a wild member of their species, those that are born in the wild and then forced into captivity do have the potential to relearn and remember essential skills.
The two dolphins in this video, Tom and Misha were captured from the wild off the coast of Turkey for use in “swim with dolphin” attractions. Thanks to a campaign from BornFree and a local organization, however, Tom and Misha were rehomed from their captive facility to an open water sea pen managed by the Back to the Blue Project.
Under the guidance of Jeff Foster, an experienced animal behaviorist, the Back to the Blue Project’s aimed to rehabilitate Tom and Misha and prepare them to be released back into the wild. It took around 20 weeks of hard work, but Tom and Misha were able to relearn all the important survival skills they lost while in captivity.
We could not be more thrilled to see these two dolphins return to their rightful home. A big thanks to all the kind people who made it happen!
Buddy the 23-Year-Old Cat is Finally Reunited With His Best Friend After Going Missing for Days.
There is no length of time or distance that can tarnish the bond between a pet and their guardian. We have seen many cases where a beloved animal goes missing, sometimes foryears on end, but when they are finally reunited with their caretaker, it seems like no time has passed at all!
This was certainly the case for Buddy the cat and his pet parent Tom.
Buddy came into Tom’s life through his brother, who had taken a liking to Buddy, a neighborhood stray in their hometown of Dallas, Texas. After feeding Buddy for nearly three years, Tom’s brother passed away. In memory of his brother, Tom took up the task of caring for Buddy and over the course of the next 20 years, the stray cat became his.
Buddy recently went missing for a few days on end; he is 23 years old and has become frail with his age, so Tom set out searching for his lost friend.
Luckily, a North Dallas resident found Buddy and contacted the local authorities for help. An animal control officer brought the elderly cat into Dallas Animal Services and cared for him for several days. Because Buddy was so thin and fragile, they feared that he wouldn’t make it through the night, but did everything they could to make him comfortable. An attending veterinarian stayed with Buddy over a holiday weekend and the team remained determined to find this elderly cat’s caretaker.
By chance, Tom happened to run into a neighbor who heard that the animal shelter recently took in an elderly cat and went to see if the cat was his Buddy – it was!
Finally, after what must have felt like decades to both Tom and Buddy, this happy pair was reunited.
Don’t you just love happy endings!
Image source: Dallas Animal Shelter/Facebook
The Michigan Humane Society sprung into action after receiving a call about a puppy being lodged in a drain pipe in a Detroit home. The poor little pup had been stuck in the pipe since the night before and his cries were barely audible from the home’s kitchen. How the puppy managed to wedge itself in the tiny crawl space is unknown, but the humane society rescue team knew that getting it out would require a lot of heavy lifting. Literally.
Because of the location of the puppy and the pipe itself, this wasn’t your standard rescue mission. In order to reach the pup, rescuers had to rig a camera through the pipe to locate the dog and then devise a plan to extract it from the exact site. This meant finding the drain pipe and digging up the surrounding area in order to access the pipe itself.
We have seen some people go to amazing lengths to rescue an animal, but we have to say it’s the first time we’ve ever seen a group dig up the foundation of a house to do so. That’s true dedication.
Because of the location of the puppy and the pipe itself, this wasn’t your standard rescue mission. In order to reach the pup, rescuers had to rig a camera through the pipe to locate the dog and then devise a plan to extract it from the exact site. This meant finding the drain pipe and digging up the surrounding area in order to access the pipe itself.
We have seen some people go to amazing lengths to rescue an animal, but we have to say it’s the first time we’ve ever seen a group dig up the foundation of a house to do so. That’s true dedication.
Whenever we see a lost animal roaming the streets we always do everything in our power to return them to their loving parents. While we would never want to think about what would happen if our own pets were to escape or get lost, in the off chance that this did happen, we would hope that another kind person would help to return them. It is a small action, but taking the time to reunite a pet with their guardian is a truly amazing act. Just check out the reaction the woman in this video has when she is finally reunited with her missing dog.
The little dog had been missing for several weeks and the woman’s daughter took to social media to help recover her mother’s lost pooch. After a long series of coordination through Craiglist and Facebook, the daughter finally managed to track down her mom’s beloved pup and get her home!
A small act of kindness sure does go a long way!
Baby Rhino Injured in Tiger Attack Takes First Steps in His New Enclosure!
The little dog had been missing for several weeks and the woman’s daughter took to social media to help recover her mother’s lost pooch. After a long series of coordination through Craiglist and Facebook, the daughter finally managed to track down her mom’s beloved pup and get her home!
A small act of kindness sure does go a long way!
Baby Rhino Injured in Tiger Attack Takes First Steps in His New Enclosure!
The rhino calf that we saved last November took his first little steps in the open, exploring his paddock at Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC) in Kaziranga, India.
The rhino had had several injuries inflicted by a tiger attack. One was on his left foreleg and pus was oozing from a swelling at the base of its horn. The team rushed him back to CWRC for triage and then a long-term course of medication, dressing and healing.
On the long road to recovery, animal keeper Prasanta Das assiduously cleaned the wounds and treated the calf as a foster mother would. I monitored his healing wounds and provided necessary treatment.
On the Road to Recovery
In due course, three splinters of the broken bone gradually came out of the calf’s pelvic joint and the wounds healed without any major surgical intervention. After losing the offending splinters he reacts as if he got a new lease on life.
We introduced him to the paddock with some apprehension, to see how he would move and use his healed foot. All our fears were unfounded: He immediately started exploring the open surroundings, even running around.
In due course, three splinters of the broken bone gradually came out of the calf’s pelvic joint and the wounds healed without any major surgical intervention. After losing the offending splinters he reacts as if he got a new lease on life.
We introduced him to the paddock with some apprehension, to see how he would move and use his healed foot. All our fears were unfounded: He immediately started exploring the open surroundings, even running around.
We had all waited seven months to see this day.
The International Fund for Animal Welfare-WTI run facility, the Centre of Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC) has the pride of hand raising orphan and displaced wildlife, of which five rhino calves have been successfully released back to the wild in two popular UNESCO World Heritage Sites of India. The success of rhino reintegration program added a new feather in the cap as we saw three of the female rhinos released at Manas National Park gave birth to young ones.
Much credit goes to the team of veterinarians led by Dr. Bhaskar Choudhury, Regional Head & Head vet of IFAW-WTI and the most careful and responsible animal keepers of CWRC, who are the real heroes of this successful recovery.
I look forward to the day when we will introduce him from the paddock to a larger area. When this one goes back to the wild, I will be a very happy man indeed.
Stanka the Homeless Dog Was Minutes Away From Death When a Kind Person Changed Her Life.
Suffering should never be something to ignore. Yet, there is so much suffering in the world, amongst animals and humans. Sometimes, all it only takes is one person to end another’s suffering. Let’s be honest, wouldn’t you like to think that if something bad happened to you, there would be somebody there to help you? Or would you prefer to be ignored? Passed by in the street?
Sadly, homeless cats and dogs throughout the world are all too familiar with being passed by in the street. They can’t cry out for help like humans can. All they can do is hope that somebody with a kind heart, who doesn’t need words alone to figure out whether a living being is in pain or not, will come and help them. Desislava Stoyanova was that person for Stanka, one of the many street dogs in Bulgaria.
The International Fund for Animal Welfare-WTI run facility, the Centre of Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC) has the pride of hand raising orphan and displaced wildlife, of which five rhino calves have been successfully released back to the wild in two popular UNESCO World Heritage Sites of India. The success of rhino reintegration program added a new feather in the cap as we saw three of the female rhinos released at Manas National Park gave birth to young ones.
Much credit goes to the team of veterinarians led by Dr. Bhaskar Choudhury, Regional Head & Head vet of IFAW-WTI and the most careful and responsible animal keepers of CWRC, who are the real heroes of this successful recovery.
I look forward to the day when we will introduce him from the paddock to a larger area. When this one goes back to the wild, I will be a very happy man indeed.
Stanka the Homeless Dog Was Minutes Away From Death When a Kind Person Changed Her Life.
Suffering should never be something to ignore. Yet, there is so much suffering in the world, amongst animals and humans. Sometimes, all it only takes is one person to end another’s suffering. Let’s be honest, wouldn’t you like to think that if something bad happened to you, there would be somebody there to help you? Or would you prefer to be ignored? Passed by in the street?
Sadly, homeless cats and dogs throughout the world are all too familiar with being passed by in the street. They can’t cry out for help like humans can. All they can do is hope that somebody with a kind heart, who doesn’t need words alone to figure out whether a living being is in pain or not, will come and help them. Desislava Stoyanova was that person for Stanka, one of the many street dogs in Bulgaria.
A Drive to Remember
Desislava Stoyanova was driving in her hometown one day when a little dog, curled up in a ball with bloody wounds and fearful eyes, caught her attention. As she got closer, she noticed that the wounds on this dog were bleeding badly and her eyes looked infected, she also looked like she hadn’t eaten for days.
“She looked like she had given up and was waiting for the end,” Desislava tells One Green Planet. “My heart sank. I knew I had to save her.”
But catching her was, by no means, easy. It was hard for Desislava to get close to the frightened dog because she was was terrified of people, a clear sign that she’d been abused. Every time Desislava tried to catch her, she’d run away. Finally, after a lot of chasing around, she managed to catch her and put her in the car; she called her Stanka.
Desislava Stoyanova was driving in her hometown one day when a little dog, curled up in a ball with bloody wounds and fearful eyes, caught her attention. As she got closer, she noticed that the wounds on this dog were bleeding badly and her eyes looked infected, she also looked like she hadn’t eaten for days.
“She looked like she had given up and was waiting for the end,” Desislava tells One Green Planet. “My heart sank. I knew I had to save her.”
But catching her was, by no means, easy. It was hard for Desislava to get close to the frightened dog because she was was terrified of people, a clear sign that she’d been abused. Every time Desislava tried to catch her, she’d run away. Finally, after a lot of chasing around, she managed to catch her and put her in the car; she called her Stanka.
At the Clinic
Nobody knows what to expect when they take a rescued dog to the local vet. Sometimes, a street cat or dog can look perfectly healthy from the outside, but have major problems on the inside and vice versa. Stanka didn’t look too good from the outside. Desislava was worried she had mange because she had little fur and her skin was exposed.
After a thorough examination, the vet confirmed it wasn’t mange, her coat had fallen off due to starvation. Stanka was diagnosed with ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis, diseases caused by parasites. This could also have been the cause of her excessive weight loss.
The vet bill came to over $400 and Desislava could not afford this alone. She made an appeal on her facebook page, Save Me, from which lots of kind people sent donations and eventually, the entire bill was paid.
She received all the treatment she needed and it wasn’t long before Stanka looked happy and healthy again. Her fur started to grow back, she gained weight, and her wounds and eye infection disappeared.
Nobody knows what to expect when they take a rescued dog to the local vet. Sometimes, a street cat or dog can look perfectly healthy from the outside, but have major problems on the inside and vice versa. Stanka didn’t look too good from the outside. Desislava was worried she had mange because she had little fur and her skin was exposed.
After a thorough examination, the vet confirmed it wasn’t mange, her coat had fallen off due to starvation. Stanka was diagnosed with ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis, diseases caused by parasites. This could also have been the cause of her excessive weight loss.
The vet bill came to over $400 and Desislava could not afford this alone. She made an appeal on her facebook page, Save Me, from which lots of kind people sent donations and eventually, the entire bill was paid.
She received all the treatment she needed and it wasn’t long before Stanka looked happy and healthy again. Her fur started to grow back, she gained weight, and her wounds and eye infection disappeared.
Although her physical wounds have healed, the wounds of her tragic past will always remain. Who knows whether she still has nightmares of her terrifying days on the streets? What we do know is that today, Stanka is a happy and healthy dog, full of love and joy. Not long after the appeal, she was adopted and now she has a family that loves her, a yard to play and run around in, and ultimately, a forever home.
Although her physical wounds have healed, the wounds of her tragic past will always remain. Who knows whether she still has nightmares of her terrifying days on the streets? What we do know is that today, Stanka is a happy and healthy dog, full of love and joy. Not long after the appeal, she was adopted and now she has a family that loves her, a yard to play and run around in, and ultimately, a forever home.
Helping Others Like Stanka
Not everybody is prepared to stand by as others suffer. Desislava Stoyanova is, singlehandedly, taking animals off the streets in her hometown, rescuing them, and working to provide them with loving, forever homes. To continue, she needs all the support and donations she can get. Visit her Facebook page Save Me, to send a donation. With your help, Bulgaria’s street dogs and cats will have a fighting chance at survival, something they would never dream of otherwise.
All image source: Desislava Stoyanova
Sweet Rescued Lamb Gains the Strength to Stand Thanks to Her New Sanctuary Home.
If you’re in need of a little inspiration or motivation to get you through the day, look no further than the story of Soda Pop the lamb.
This sweet little lamb came to Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary when she was only a few days old. She was in very poor condition and could barely sit upright, let alone try to walk. Despite the bleak prognosis for Soda Pop, the kind people at Edgar’s were unwilling to give up on her, so they set their sights on doing everything in their power to help her live!
Only a few days after her arrival, Soda Pop is already much stronger, learning how to walk and put pressure on her tiny legs with the help of a rather ingenious shopping-bag-sling.
All animals deserve the chance to not only survive but also to thrive, and with the help of Edgar’s Mission, we’re sure this will be the case for Soda Pop in no time!
Lost Baby Elephant is Reunited With Mother Thanks to Kind Rangers.
It can be incredibly dangerous for a baby elephant when they wander off from the herd. For starters, baby elephants are completely dependent on their mothers for food for the first two to three years of their lives. Second, the herd provides safety from large predators until the elephant can gain some size.
Which is exactly why the situation was considered an emergency for the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy when they discovered an extremely young calf was wandering alone, completely separated from its herd. To make matters worse, there was a pride of 10 lions not far away, just waiting for their opportunity. Springing to action, the caring rangers for Lewa’s anti-poaching team began making the trip back to the calf’s herd which were over half a mile away.
With the elephant population of northern Kenya topping 6,500 animals, these rangers and those who work toward the conservation and protection of wildlife there have their work cut out for them! (You can contribute to their efforts HERE and HERE if you’re interested in helping more them do all they can on the ground level for elephants like this one.)
On behalf of this little sweetheart’s mother, thank you Lewa Wildlife Conservancy anti-poaching team!
Not everybody is prepared to stand by as others suffer. Desislava Stoyanova is, singlehandedly, taking animals off the streets in her hometown, rescuing them, and working to provide them with loving, forever homes. To continue, she needs all the support and donations she can get. Visit her Facebook page Save Me, to send a donation. With your help, Bulgaria’s street dogs and cats will have a fighting chance at survival, something they would never dream of otherwise.
All image source: Desislava Stoyanova
Sweet Rescued Lamb Gains the Strength to Stand Thanks to Her New Sanctuary Home.
If you’re in need of a little inspiration or motivation to get you through the day, look no further than the story of Soda Pop the lamb.
This sweet little lamb came to Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary when she was only a few days old. She was in very poor condition and could barely sit upright, let alone try to walk. Despite the bleak prognosis for Soda Pop, the kind people at Edgar’s were unwilling to give up on her, so they set their sights on doing everything in their power to help her live!
Only a few days after her arrival, Soda Pop is already much stronger, learning how to walk and put pressure on her tiny legs with the help of a rather ingenious shopping-bag-sling.
All animals deserve the chance to not only survive but also to thrive, and with the help of Edgar’s Mission, we’re sure this will be the case for Soda Pop in no time!
Lost Baby Elephant is Reunited With Mother Thanks to Kind Rangers.
It can be incredibly dangerous for a baby elephant when they wander off from the herd. For starters, baby elephants are completely dependent on their mothers for food for the first two to three years of their lives. Second, the herd provides safety from large predators until the elephant can gain some size.
Which is exactly why the situation was considered an emergency for the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy when they discovered an extremely young calf was wandering alone, completely separated from its herd. To make matters worse, there was a pride of 10 lions not far away, just waiting for their opportunity. Springing to action, the caring rangers for Lewa’s anti-poaching team began making the trip back to the calf’s herd which were over half a mile away.
With the elephant population of northern Kenya topping 6,500 animals, these rangers and those who work toward the conservation and protection of wildlife there have their work cut out for them! (You can contribute to their efforts HERE and HERE if you’re interested in helping more them do all they can on the ground level for elephants like this one.)
On behalf of this little sweetheart’s mother, thank you Lewa Wildlife Conservancy anti-poaching team!
After discovering the calf, the team knew they had to get such a young baby back to the herd or the odds of survival would be slim.
The anti-poaching team was quick to take action, gently steering the baby in the direction that the herd had gone.
They had to work to keep the baby calm along the way so it wouldn’t panic and attempt to flee.
Once they reached the herd, the rangers stopped a safe distance away. The calf’s mother ran over to collect her baby, making for quite the happy ending!
All image source: Lewa Wildlife Conservancy/Facebook
Unwanted Deaf Dog Finds Perfect Forever Home With His Deaf Human.
Connor the dog finally found the perfect forever home after living for months in a Colorado shelter when he was adopted by a hearing impaired man. Oh, did we mention that Connor ishearing impaired himself?
All image source: Lewa Wildlife Conservancy/Facebook
Connor the dog finally found the perfect forever home after living for months in a Colorado shelter when he was adopted by a hearing impaired man. Oh, did we mention that Connor ishearing impaired himself?
Just look at that sweet face!
Coming to the shelter at approximately one-year-old, employees began to notice that Connor didn’t respond well to commands. Suffering from a congenital condition called Cerebellar Hypoplasia, it was quickly discovered that Connor was completely deaf. In other situations, he may have been considered unfit for adoption, but not to the kind people at Teller County Regional Animal Shelter.
Coming to the shelter at approximately one-year-old, employees began to notice that Connor didn’t respond well to commands. Suffering from a congenital condition called Cerebellar Hypoplasia, it was quickly discovered that Connor was completely deaf. In other situations, he may have been considered unfit for adoption, but not to the kind people at Teller County Regional Animal Shelter.
Cute and compact. Now, that’s hard to beat.
They began teaching him sign language, which Connor picked up with lightening speed. However, his disability prevented many prospective pet parents from taking him home for fear that he would need a level of care that they couldn’t provide. That was until his story hit the news and a hearing impaired man decided that the best place for Connor was with him.
They began teaching him sign language, which Connor picked up with lightening speed. However, his disability prevented many prospective pet parents from taking him home for fear that he would need a level of care that they couldn’t provide. That was until his story hit the news and a hearing impaired man decided that the best place for Connor was with him.
Eager to learn, Connor picked up on his new language with ease.
Arriving at the shelter without an interpreter, Connor’s new pet parent communicated with staff by writing things down. Technical difficulties aside, the adoption went off without a hitch. ”[He's] a person who will truly appreciate [Connor's] disabilities,” said Nancy Adams, speaking on behalf of the shelter. “And the nice thing is it made people aware [animals] with special needs are very adoptable and very good pets.”
Arriving at the shelter without an interpreter, Connor’s new pet parent communicated with staff by writing things down. Technical difficulties aside, the adoption went off without a hitch. ”[He's] a person who will truly appreciate [Connor's] disabilities,” said Nancy Adams, speaking on behalf of the shelter. “And the nice thing is it made people aware [animals] with special needs are very adoptable and very good pets.”
Seriously. That face. Look at it.
Making the decision to bring a new family member into the home, special needs or not, is one that should be carefully considered. Space limitations, financial concerns, and time constraints all need to be factored in when deciding which pet would make the best addition, not just for you and your family, but for them as well. It’s a commitment to provide them a safe and loving home for the life of your pet, so making sure they’re the perfect friend for you is imperative.
Making the decision to bring a new family member into the home, special needs or not, is one that should be carefully considered. Space limitations, financial concerns, and time constraints all need to be factored in when deciding which pet would make the best addition, not just for you and your family, but for them as well. It’s a commitment to provide them a safe and loving home for the life of your pet, so making sure they’re the perfect friend for you is imperative.
Special needs or not, every dog benefits from proper training and time spent with their person.
Notice we didn’t say the perfect friend and merely leave it at that. We said, the perfect friend for you. Too often we overlook animals (and let’s just face it, people too) who might fall outside of the stringent definitions of “normal.” Maybe they’re a little bigger or smaller than average, or there’s something they can’t do that the rest of the group can.
In the grand scheme of things, that stuff isn’t a big deal. As long as we have the means to accommodate whatever needs they come to us with, we could find ourselves with one of the best companions ever if we just give them a chance.
Lead image source: King 5
Scared Homeless Dog Gets the Rescue of a Lifetime. Her Transformation Will Melt Your Heart!
Trying to rescue a homeless dog can be a challenging mission. After years of living on the streets without knowing the comfort of a warm bed or any kindness from humans, homeless dogs can be extremely wary of people.
This was the case for Zuzi the dog. She had spent an entire winter living on the streets with no shelter or proper food to eat. Local dog catchers tried multiple times to wrangle her using catch poles and other aggressive methods to no avail. The trauma of this experience compounded by living on the streets caused Zuzi to act out aggressively when rescuers fromHowl of a Dog came to help her.
When Howl of a Dog rescuers finally got Zuzi back to their rescue facility and set her up with a bed and lots of treats, she began to transform into a whole new dog! It’s amazing what a little kindness can do; sweet Zuzi is now up for adoption. To learn more, click here.
#SeaBearRescue - Two rescued moon bears take a sunset boat ride to freedom
Moon bears Sam and Simon arrived back on Vietnam’s mainland after four years on remote Ba Mun island – just north of iconic tourist spot Halong Bay. This was the first time Animals Asia had performed a rescue at sea and was described as the most difficult the organisation would ever perform. A day later they made it back to Animals Asia's Tam Dao sanctuary where their rehabilitation could begin. Despite bear bile farming being made illegal in 1992, more than 1,000 moon and sun bears remain on farms around Vietnam suffering regular bile extraction for use in traditional medicine. Music in this film is "Reverie (small theme)" by _ghost featuring Pitx - ccmixter.org/files/_ghost/25389. CC Attribution (3.0)
5-Month-Old Puppy Saved From the Flooded Streets of Houston.
Despite the popularity of dogs and cats in the U.S., there are still around 70 million homeless pets wandering the streets. Some of these animals are feral while others were abandoned by their guardians and left to fend for themselves. All of these animals, however, are in need of a loving forever home.
World Animal Awareness Society (WA2S) is working to find a home for some of the most needy animals while raising awareness for the homeless animal epidemic.
In this video WA2S, follows a group of volunteers from Forgotten Dogs of the Fifth Ward in Houston, Texas. What starts out as a mission to offer their help in caring for a family’s pack of dogs ends with the surprise rescue of another desperate little one. You’ll have to watch the whole video to see all the magic happen. It is sure to bring a big smile to your face!
Notice we didn’t say the perfect friend and merely leave it at that. We said, the perfect friend for you. Too often we overlook animals (and let’s just face it, people too) who might fall outside of the stringent definitions of “normal.” Maybe they’re a little bigger or smaller than average, or there’s something they can’t do that the rest of the group can.
In the grand scheme of things, that stuff isn’t a big deal. As long as we have the means to accommodate whatever needs they come to us with, we could find ourselves with one of the best companions ever if we just give them a chance.
Lead image source: King 5
Scared Homeless Dog Gets the Rescue of a Lifetime. Her Transformation Will Melt Your Heart!
Trying to rescue a homeless dog can be a challenging mission. After years of living on the streets without knowing the comfort of a warm bed or any kindness from humans, homeless dogs can be extremely wary of people.
This was the case for Zuzi the dog. She had spent an entire winter living on the streets with no shelter or proper food to eat. Local dog catchers tried multiple times to wrangle her using catch poles and other aggressive methods to no avail. The trauma of this experience compounded by living on the streets caused Zuzi to act out aggressively when rescuers fromHowl of a Dog came to help her.
When Howl of a Dog rescuers finally got Zuzi back to their rescue facility and set her up with a bed and lots of treats, she began to transform into a whole new dog! It’s amazing what a little kindness can do; sweet Zuzi is now up for adoption. To learn more, click here.
#SeaBearRescue - Two rescued moon bears take a sunset boat ride to freedom5-Month-Old Puppy Saved From the Flooded Streets of Houston.
World Animal Awareness Society (WA2S) is working to find a home for some of the most needy animals while raising awareness for the homeless animal epidemic.
In this video WA2S, follows a group of volunteers from Forgotten Dogs of the Fifth Ward in Houston, Texas. What starts out as a mission to offer their help in caring for a family’s pack of dogs ends with the surprise rescue of another desperate little one. You’ll have to watch the whole video to see all the magic happen. It is sure to bring a big smile to your face!
Donkey Rescued From Despair

In late April, friend and rescue partner of IDA's Hope Animal Sanctuary, Kelly Buck Vance, was called about a donkey who had wandered up to a home in a rural area of Carroll County, Mississippi. The caller stated that there was "something wrong with his feet".
When our staff arrived, the donkey was down, but with some gentle coaxing we managed to get him to his feet and get him loaded into a trailer. True to the caller's report, his feet were in horrendous condition. One hoof was curling up toward the front with his leg bent at the ankle which forced him to walk with the ankle partially touching the ground. It was clear that this boy was in severe pain and needed help quickly. He was taken to Greenwood Animal Hospital for assessment and a treatment plan was formed. Kelly will continue to work with the veterinarian to make this sweet boy as comfortable as possible while they work to correct the problem with a long term treatment plan.
In late April, friend and rescue partner of IDA's Hope Animal Sanctuary, Kelly Buck Vance, was called about a donkey who had wandered up to a home in a rural area of Carroll County, Mississippi. The caller stated that there was "something wrong with his feet".
When our staff arrived, the donkey was down, but with some gentle coaxing we managed to get him to his feet and get him loaded into a trailer. True to the caller's report, his feet were in horrendous condition. One hoof was curling up toward the front with his leg bent at the ankle which forced him to walk with the ankle partially touching the ground. It was clear that this boy was in severe pain and needed help quickly. He was taken to Greenwood Animal Hospital for assessment and a treatment plan was formed. Kelly will continue to work with the veterinarian to make this sweet boy as comfortable as possible while they work to correct the problem with a long term treatment plan.
A Plan for Elephanta Caves Dogs and Cats
IDA India has been struggling for several years to reach out to dogs and cats living on the island of Elephanta Caves, which is 10 kilometers off the coast of Mumbai, and a major tourist attraction for its amazing caves. There is a small community of local inhabitants living there, and the only way to reach the island is by sea through boats and ferries.
Our staff were initially unable to do so, due to tremendous hurdles such as a tricky commute and a limited power supply. The island sadly gets electricity for only two hours per day, and our desire to undertake a spay/neuter program for these dogs and cats and to render treatment for the ill and injured ones remained unfulfilled. It was an extremely agonizing situation knowing that despite being so close, we were unable to help these suffering animals.
At the end of last year,, we decided to give the situation one more try, so under the stewardship of Fizzah Shah and Goodicia Vaidya, a few committed animal lovers went to visit the Elephanta Caves. Their survey found 150 dogs on the island, mostly starved and malnourished, with most females pregnant, covered with wounds and with puppies all around. Most tourists were not sympathetic or friendly and were annoyed because the dogs followed them around in search of scraps to eat. A project was thus planned, to be executed before the onset of rains which start in June, after which visits to the island are almost impossible.
Now we have taken the first step, and our first camp was recently held (which we will report on separately). The plan is to eventually undertake at least 60 spay/neuter surgeries, vaccinate as many of the dogs and cats as possible against rabies, and render treatment to the ill and injured ones. Now that the first camp has been completed and procedures are being reviewed, we will get some idea of how things can progress from here and we will be able to undertake more camps in the future.
Please stay tuned for updates and our report on the first camp!
Our staff were initially unable to do so, due to tremendous hurdles such as a tricky commute and a limited power supply. The island sadly gets electricity for only two hours per day, and our desire to undertake a spay/neuter program for these dogs and cats and to render treatment for the ill and injured ones remained unfulfilled. It was an extremely agonizing situation knowing that despite being so close, we were unable to help these suffering animals.
At the end of last year,, we decided to give the situation one more try, so under the stewardship of Fizzah Shah and Goodicia Vaidya, a few committed animal lovers went to visit the Elephanta Caves. Their survey found 150 dogs on the island, mostly starved and malnourished, with most females pregnant, covered with wounds and with puppies all around. Most tourists were not sympathetic or friendly and were annoyed because the dogs followed them around in search of scraps to eat. A project was thus planned, to be executed before the onset of rains which start in June, after which visits to the island are almost impossible.
Now we have taken the first step, and our first camp was recently held (which we will report on separately). The plan is to eventually undertake at least 60 spay/neuter surgeries, vaccinate as many of the dogs and cats as possible against rabies, and render treatment to the ill and injured ones. Now that the first camp has been completed and procedures are being reviewed, we will get some idea of how things can progress from here and we will be able to undertake more camps in the future.
Please stay tuned for updates and our report on the first camp!
At the end of last year,, we decided to give the situation one more try, so under the stewardship of Fizzah Shah and Goodicia Vaidya, a few committed animal lovers went to visit the Elephanta Caves. Their survey found 150 dogs on the island, mostly starved and malnourished, with most females pregnant, covered with wounds and with puppies all around. Most tourists were not sympathetic or friendly and were annoyed because the dogs followed them around in search of scraps to eat. A project was thus planned, to be executed before the onset of rains which start in June, after which visits to the island are almost impossible.
Now we have taken the first step, and our first camp was recently held (which we will report on separately). The plan is to eventually undertake at least 60 spay/neuter surgeries, vaccinate as many of the dogs and cats as possible against rabies, and render treatment to the ill and injured ones. Now that the first camp has been completed and procedures are being reviewed, we will get some idea of how things can progress from here and we will be able to undertake more camps in the future.
Please stay tuned for updates and our report on the first camp!