Nosey was bought, Not rescued!

All our babies are broke on leg chains and a lead. SPECIAL TRAINING is available by request. Prospective BUYERS ARE WELCOME to visit our HOLDING AND TRAINING FACILITIES. You must see our babies to appreciate them! GET YOUR ELEPHANTS NOW from South Carolina or Florida while they are still AVAILABLE, AFFORDABLE and SMALL. Our babies ARE HEALTHY, SOUND and are accustomed to U.S. climate and diet."
There's a place for Nosey at The Elephant Sanctuary.
We need 'Action For Nosey Now!'
Groupon: STOP Supporting Elephant Exploitation!
Tell Groupon to stop supporting this sham of a sanctuary: Monterey Zoo's Vision Quest Ranch in Salinas, California.
Monterey Zoo and its Vision Quest Safari Bed and Breakfast in Salinas, California, is owned by Charlie Sammut, an exotic animal trainer. Although it claims to be a sanctuary, the Monterey Zoo it is not accredited by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries. In fact, many of the animals on display, such as lions, tigers, kangaroos, hyenas, baboons, and other animals, are forced to live in tiny, barren, wire cages, some only 6'x 20', with concrete floors, and no protection from the burning sun and heat. Several of the big cats were purchased from breeders by Sammut, who also "rents out" the animals for film, television and live productions. ACT NOW
Victory! Elephants Protected from Brutal Bullhook Abuse in California. On Monday, August 29, 2016, Governor Jerry Brown signed SB1062 into law to protect captive elephants from brutal bullhook abuse in California. In Defense of Animals supporters in California helped bring this crucial legislation to the Governor's desk by making your voices heard through your many phone calls and letters.
Senator Ricardo Lara first introduced the bill in 2015, setting the legislative campaign in motion and though the 2015 bill was vetoed by the Governor, this year's amended bill won a victory for captive elephants and those who are committed to protecting them. READ MORE.
Target: Jerry Brown, Governor of California
Goal: Thank California for banning the bullhooks, cruel and painful elephant training tools.
Bullhooks are long, sharp sticks with a metal poker at the end that are commonly used on elephants imprisoned by the entertainment industry. They are typically used during training to force elephants to perform tricks.
Thankfully, more and more places are recognizing how cruel bullhooks actually are. Many cities have banned the tool and earlier this year, Rhode Island became the first state to ban the tool. Now, California has joined the club and become the second state to ban bullhooks.
Save Elephants from Extinction
Target: Idriss Déby, Chairperson of the African Union
Goal: Enhance anti-poaching measures to protect elephants from dying out.
The world’s elephant population has decreased by 30 percent since 2007, which represents an unsustainable decline. If these animals do not receive immediate protection, they will soon be gone forever.
This troubling conclusion comes from the Great Elephant Census, a comprehensive study that gathered data from 18 countries and almost 345,000 square miles. Africa once boasted approximately 12 million elephants, but the census found that only 352,271 African savanna elephants are left on the continent. The survey also concluded that an elephant is killed by poachers once every 15 minutes.
Elephants are an essential species for Africa’s forests and savannas. Their eating habits clear brush and allow new plants to grow and their dung contains seeds that further promote the spread of important plant life. These precious creatures are far too valuable, and their extinction would be a devastating blow. Sign the petition below to demand improved protections before it is too late. Click to sign!
Africa Has Lost a Third of Its Elephants in Just 7 Years. New research shows that poachers are killing off 8 percent of savanna elephants a year while the number of forest elephants has fallen 62 percent since 2002.
Earlier this week, the hacked-up bodies of at least 26 elephants were discovered in Botswana’s heavily protected Chobe National Park, the largest and most brutal poaching event the park has ever experienced.
This shocking slaughter is just the latest incident in the poaching crisis that has devastated the populations of both African elephant species. New data published Wednesday reveal that poachers killed off 30 percent of Africa’s savanna elephants between 2007 and 2014—about 144,000 animals—and that their numbers now continue to fall at an additional 8 percent per year.
Meanwhile, a second study found that the second pachyderm species, African forest elephants—which lost 62 percent of their population between 2002 and 2011—will require at least a century to recover because they breed significantly slower than thought. Scientists estimate that fewer than 100,000 forest elephants remain.
The savanna elephant numbers were the result of a three-year, 18-nation aerial survey conducted by the Great Elephant Census, funded by Microsoft cofounder Paul G. Allen and his family. The census now estimates that about 352,000 savanna elephants remain, down from 1.3 million in 1979.
(Map: Courtesy Paul G. Allen Project)
“Armed with this knowledge of dramatically declining elephant populations, we share a collective responsibility to take action and we must all work to ensure the preservation of this iconic species,” Allen said in a statement.
Although the census found that 84 percent of savanna elephants live within officially protected areas, it also noted that they offered little protection and that elephant carcasses were frequently observed in national parks and other supposedly secure areas.
“The Great Elephant Census has been an amazing feat of technology and science working together for wildlife,” said Tanya Sanerib a senior attorney with the Center for Biological Diversity, which has petitioned to list both African elephant species as endangered under the United States Endangered Species Act. “Unfortunately, the results reveal that elephant populations are declining at a shocking rate, and declining more severely than we anticipated. The data now clearly shows that if we don’t act immediately to stop poaching, close ivory markets, and extend the strictest protections to both savannah and forest elephants, we’ll lose these iconic creatures forever.”
The poaching crisis has hit forest elephants—which have only recently been recognized as a separate species—particularly hard. The new research into their demographics finds that female forest elephants do not typically breed until they are about 23 years old and only give birth once every five to six years. Savanna elephants, by comparison, start breeding at age 12 and can produce calves as often as every three years.
“This is worse than we expected,” said George Wittemyer, chair of the scientific board of Save the Elephants and a professor in wildlife conservation at Colorado State University. “We didn’t realize how sensitive these animals are until now. We were already hyper-concerned about forest elephants, but this knocks the ground out from under their feet.”
Wittemyer said forest elephants live in regions that severely restrict their ability to recover from poaching. Even though they are surrounded by trees, most of the food they produce is consumed by birds, monkeys, and other arboreal creatures, leaving little nutritional value for terrestrial creatures, such as elephants. “Ground animals get the last pick,” he said.
Both of the studies will come into play in the coming weeks as conservationists prepare for this weekend’s International Union for the Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress in Hawaii and the annual meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species in late September in Johannesburg.
This second meeting may be the more important of the two, as Namibia and Zimbabwe have proposed reestablishing limited legal trade in ivory, which has been banned since 1989. Both countries argue that their elephant populations are healthy enough for ivory from their animals to be legally traded. (The Great Elephant Census counted about 82,000 elephants in Zimbabwe, an overall decline of 6 percent but with declines of 74 percent in one region. It did not survey the elephants in Namibia.)
Wittemyer said that ivory trade legalization would be a mistake. “We need to push aside the ivory trade debate until we deal with the fundamental problems of elephant poaching throughout Africa.” He added that the two new studies should help deflate the legalization debate. “The best scientific information is now on the table,” he said. “That should lead to a better understanding of the problems that elephants face."
The Numbers Don’t Look Good for Africa’s Elephants
Scientists recently published the results of the first ever continent-wide survey of elephants in Africa. They found that from 2007-2014, poachers wiped out nearly one-third of Africa’s savanna elephants. Of course, we already knew that elephants were under extreme pressure from poaching for the ivory trade, but it’s alarming to see just how far down that trade has driven the population. This study is another reminder of how vital it is that we work to combat wildlife trafficking as a whole, and continue to push for closing loopholes and better enforcement to crack down on ivory trade in the U.S. Read more about the study’s findings and what they mean for elephants >
The Numbers Don’t Look Good for Africa’s Elephants
Scientists recently published the results of the first ever continent-wide survey of elephants in Africa. They found that from 2007-2014, poachers wiped out nearly one-third of Africa’s savanna elephants. Of course, we already knew that elephants were under extreme pressure from poaching for the ivory trade, but it’s alarming to see just how far down that trade has driven the population. This study is another reminder of how vital it is that we work to combat wildlife trafficking as a whole, and continue to push for closing loopholes and better enforcement to crack down on ivory trade in the U.S. Read more about the study’s findings and what they mean for elephants >
California Helps Lead the Way in Protecting Captive Elephants. California recently joined Rhode Island in banning bullhooks—weapons resembling fireplace pokers that are used to beat elephants into submission. The end of animals in captivity is growing closer, but we have more work to do. Learn how you can help elephants forced to perform. HOW YOU CAN HELP
Chai Is Dead, and Bamboo Has Been Attacked Four Times by Other Elephants. The Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle could have retired elephants Chai and Bamboo to a sanctuary, but instead, it sent them to the Oklahoma City Zoo to continue being exhibited in public. Chai was later found dead, collapsed in her cage, and Bamboo has been attacked repeatedly. Never stop speaking up—we can help them! ACT NOW FOR ELEPHANTS
Help Free Working Elephant Who’s Forced to Sleep in Chains Standing Up. For the last 20 years, an elephant named Lasah has been nothing more than a prop to humankind. From hauling logs to being gawked at in zoos to performing in shows and commercials, Lasah hasn’t had it easy. Now, he is at Langkawi Elephant Adventures (LEA) where he’s been giving rides to tourists for the last decade. But it’s what goes on behind the scenes that is particularly tragic.
Recently, photos uncovered by Friends of the Orangutan (FOTO), show what kind of life Lasah leads when he is out of the public eye and, unfortunately, it’s not a happy one.
Life at Langkawi
At 36 years old, this Malaysian elephant should enjoy a well-deserved retirement. Instead, he spends his days giving rides to tourists for hours in the sweltering heat. And to make it worse, Lasah doesn’t even get to lie down after a hard day’s work. He’s ushered into his barren enclosure and chained on all four legs so that he can barely move, let alone lie down and rest his legs. By the looks of it, he doesn’t have much companionship of other elephants, either.
Elephants, being the social beings they are, are unable to flourish without the company of their own kind, not unlike people, so you can only begin to imagine how hard Lasah’s lonely life must be.
“This is the worst form of elephant abuse we have had the misfortune to come across,” says FOTO’S director Upreshpal Singh. “Lasah is used and abused for tourist money and we were shocked to find him barbarically chained on all four legs when he isn’t being exploited. We’re inclined to think he’s chained in the same manner every night and it’s no surprise he is severely underweight.”
Every year, hundreds of thousands of tourists flock to Asia hoping they’ll get to ride an elephant. While riding an elephant sounds trivial and quite innocent, we must be the ones to tell you that it is anything but. Here’s why.
Elephants working in the tourist industry, whether that’s giving rides, performing in shows or having photos taken with visitors, are not domesticated animals. Most elephants used in the tourism industry are captured from the wild as infants and forced to endure a brutal “breaking” period where they are forcefully beaten and abused until they no longer possess the will to fight back against their captors. Over the course of their lives in captivity, these elephants will likely either be forced to give tourists rides, like Lasah, guided by the painful “reminding” force of a bullhook through the blistering heat for hours on end, or they will be trained to perform ridiculous tricks for a paying audience.
Life in captivity hardly compares to life in the wild for these animals. In their natural habitat, elephants wander freely over the course of the day but actively keep themselves cool by taking mud baths – something animals with tourists strapped to their backs cannot do. Not to mention, elephants are highly social and emotional animals so when they are deprived of contact and interaction with others of their kind, they can easily become frustrated and depressed. Elephants, at the end of the day, are wild animals prone to stress and volatile emotions, and as a result, many tourists suffer injuries from their interaction with elephants.
Elephants also suffer from ailments themselves when confined in captivity, such as joint problems foot problems, nail wounds, and stereotyping – repetitive motions that are symptomatic of deep mental distress.
Help Free Lasah and Save Other Elephants
Do you agree that Lasah should be retired to an accredited elephant sanctuary? So do we! Sign this petitionto help get Lasah to a wonderful elephant sanctuary called Kualah Gandah. And make sure you ask your friends and family to do the same!
And if you really want to help Lasah and other elephants being exploited throughout the world: Never ride an elephant! Share this article to increase your impact. Image source: Upreshpal Singh/Facebook!