Take Tigers Out Of the Tatiana Restaurant and Night Club & from Siegfried & Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat

Demand that Tatiana Restaurant and Night Club Retire their Tiger to a Sanctuary!
Demand that Tatiana Restaurant and Night Club Retire their Tiger to a Sanctuary! Tatiana Restaurant and Night Club is known for its Russian-style entertainment and cabaret shows. It is also known for the depressed-looking tiger that has been reported to be kept in a cage inside the restaurant, or being hauled on stage to the audio effects of tigers roaring. The actual cage (pictured above, taken from Yelp) is just large enough for the tiger to fit into, and not large enough for it to move around! Many reviews on Yelp specifically comment on the fact that they they are made very uncomfortable by the tiger's presense, as he looks very "sad" and "kept licking himself". One reviewer on Yelp reported that he was told that the tiger is driven in from Orlando to perform in the shows.

Please sign this petition to urge Tatiana Restaurant and Night Club to retire its tiger to a sanctuary!

As someone who cares about animals, it is obvious that this tiger has no place inside of a nightclub, and deserves to be retired to a sanctuary where he can be adequately cared for and live a natural life. Please sign this petition to show the owners of the nightclub that the public does not support this kind of blatant animal cruelty. The only kind of entertainment I want to see is the kind where all performers are willing participants!

Also please feel free to review this place on Yelp and Facebook and let them know that the public won't stand for this kind of animal abuse!

Stop MGM and Siegfried and Roy from condemning tiger cubs to a life in captivity!
There truly is a secret at Siegfried & Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat. Over the years, they have quietly seen the deaths of 22 of their marine animals. Now, they want us to join in their “celebration” as they add four baby tigers to their menagerie.These tigers were weaned from their mother -- also captive at their facility -- at just three weeks old, and will spend the rest of their lives in captivity, on display for our “entertainment.”
Animal lovers and supporters of common decency want the Mirage and its owners, MGM Resorts, to reverse their decision to condemn these animals to a life of inhumanity and captivity. Please sign my petition asking Mirage VP of Operations Franz Kallao to release the tigers to a real conservation facility, where they can have some semblance of a natural life and work towards rebuilding the endangered population.
According to a spokesperson, “ the cats are being raised by their human family to create that special bond between man and animal that Siegfried and Roy are known for." What a bond. Roy of Siegfried and Roy is also known for his near-fatal attack by one of his own male white tigers in 2003. It just goes to show that even after a decade or more of “bonding” with these majestic beasts, they still cannot be tamed, nor should they be.
The Mirage says that the SARMOTI foundation, the nonprofit led by the magical pair, works to protect, conserve and preserve endangered and threatened animals globally. But isn’t there a better way to do so than condemning them to a life of captivity with little or no real stimulation? I think there is. And I hope you do, too.
Please help me send a message to MGM and beyond that it is no longer OK to use animals as props and mere decorations. It is time for us to begin treating these animals with the respect they deserve. Sign my petition asking the Mirage VP of Operations Franz Kallao to end the captivity of the 4 baby tiger cubs.
VP of Operations at Mirage Mirage VP of Operations Franz Kallao at fkallao@mirage.com Mirage President and COO Trevor Scherrer
Trevor Scherrer
Stop MGM and Siegfried & Roy from condemning tiger cubs to a life in captivity!