Putting Politics Aside For Animal Welfare, Tell Your U.S. Rep: Work for Animals!

Whatever else they may stand for, most legislators on both sides of the aisle care about animals. In fact, many members of Congress are animal-lovers who have furry friends of their own.
That's why we want to tell you about the Congressional Animal Protection Caucus. This bipartisan group of representatives works to raise awareness and build coalitions in support of animal-friendly legislation. The caucus keeps their fellow members of Congress educated on critical animal issues and even hosts animal-focused events on Capitol Hill.

The Congressional Animal Protection Caucus is a voice for animals in the U.S. House. The caucus becomes stronger and more powerful with each new member, and as it grows, the possibility of passing great laws for animals increases!


What You Can Do

As a constituent, you are in the perfect position to make your U.S. representative aware of the important work done by this group. Simply visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center today to contact your representative and ask him or her to consider joining the caucus. If your rep is already a member, our system will let you know and you can send a letter of thanks instead!

Thank you for all that you do to protect animals.