Weekly Wolf Wrap Up

Help Stop the Wolf Slaughter, Give Now
Help Stop the New Wolf-killing Bill in Congress
Congress is pushing through new legislation to open up wolf killing in Wyoming, Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin -- all critical states in the fight for wolves' return to the wild. We need to stop this now.
If we don't strike down this bill, thousands of wolves will be targeted for slaughter. Packs will be shattered and wolf populations will spiral into collapse. Forty years of fighting to return wolves to their natural surroundings will be undone. Your donation today to the Wolf Defense Fund will stop this nightmare.

To take on the deep-pocketed anti-wolf interests, we have set a goal to raise $100,000 for the Wolf Defense Fund. We're almost there -- with your generous support we've raised more than $75,000. We're asking you one last time to please get us to this crucial goal.

The stakes are so high that we can't and won't lose. Wolves have a chance to recover and return to their historic range -- but not if they're massacred from Wyoming to Michigan.

This is our chance, but the clock is ticking. The Center's scientists, lawyers and activists can stop this terrible bill and restore these intelligent, social animals to their rightful place. We've won for wolves before -- succeeding where others couldn't to guarantee their safe homecoming. We know what it takes to do this, and your donation to the Wolf Defense Fund is essential to this work.

Don't let the hateful bullies in Congress put more wolves in harm's way. Let's stop this bill, now.
Gray wolf, (c) Michael Quinton NGSPlease make an urgent donation to help Defenders protect wolves and other imperiled wildlife.

Help Stop Despicable Anti-Wolf Bills
You don't have to be a lawyer to understand how downright diabolical and desperate this is.
Recently, two bills were introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives to strip wolves in four states, including Wyoming, of any protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Congressional action to delist wolves in Wyoming and the Great Lakes is shocking and misguided – these decisions should be based solely on science and not politics!
Please help us fight back and make a generous donation today.

This kind of bare-fisted power politics makes a mockery of wildlife conservation. If passed, these bills could mark another tragic milestone in undermining wolf recovery in America.

We’re fighting these shameful efforts tooth and nail. And if you love wolves like I do, I need your help!

H.R. 843 already has 10 co-sponsors and in one sentence writes wolves in the Great Lakes out of the most important wildlife protection law the nation has ever enacted. If this bill passes, each of the affected Great Lake states would have the power to “manage” wolves within its borders subject to no minimal recovery standards.

H.R. 884, which already has 15 co-sponsors, goes even further. It adds Wyoming’s embattled wolves to the Congressionally unprotected list. And to add insult to injury, it concludes that the forced delisting “shall not be subject to judicial review.”

Those seven words would prevent any court, even the Supreme Court, from reinstating ESA protections, no matter how grave the situation became. 

That’s more than wrong. It is Congress acting at its worst by ignoring the best available science and making critical biological decisions on its own.  

We are the voice for wildlife– and we are your voice too.

Your support today could make a world of difference for our wolves, and for imperiled wildlife everywhere.