Today's Morning Joe Recap!

Good morning everyone! Happy Tuesday to you! Joining us for today's show, we have:
Steve Rattner, Kasie Hunt, Michael Steele, Eugene Robinson, Dr. Zeke Emanuel, Frances Sellers, Rep. Ed Royce, James Carville, Fmr. Sen. Jim DeMint, Mayor Nir Barkat, Joy Behar, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, Tom Yorton and Kelly Leonard

Mika has 21 news stories to get to today. First is the Christie in England story. The first 20 minutes is all Kasie Hunt and her q’s to (Chris) Christy about every (foreign affairs, etc.) that would NOT get answered by him but the one that did get an answer and is seemingly getting lots of legs in the media outlets today, is the one about vaccines (that is also why he is there in England; there is a New Jersey based company or there is a company that does lots of biz in NJ that is from England which is the rationale for the trip). I think more of the story should be about Rand Paul’s comments about him saying that he has seen normal walking and talking people get hurt by taking vaccine shots and he says that it’s a personal family issue and not a state one. I kind of disagree because of Joe Blow has say the measles and if it contracts to other people, that is a health issue for the people. The thing is that he is a doctor too and I get the libertarian freedom thing that he believes in big time, but that’s an odd thing for a Dr. to say about normal people getting deformed or whatever he was trying to say has occurred to people. BTW, I would like to see one case of the claim. But yeah, Christy is giving mere stock answers and that’s what you do when you run for POTUS. You do NOT do what Rand Paul is answering media people about it. He also should not divert attention like he did with Kelly Evans and back to the point is what Kasey Hunts says. I do NOT think it’s a red state vs. blue state issue at hand. I firmly believe its fast become politicized. BTW, that autism study was debunked and that Dr. was stripped of his medical stripes. Joe thinks it’s a far right and far left issue and Steve Rattner thinks its more of a far right issue. He (Steve Rattner) does not see that liberals are against it and I am not sure if I do either. They do mention civil liberties but again, I am not sure where I have heard uproars from far lefties about this issue compared to now what the far right is saying about it. And, as Willie (Geist) says, if it is a political strategy for (Chris) Christy to use and/or what he says about it, its an odd one. Maybe its what (Steve) Rattner says in that it’s a big Gov. vs. small Gov. issue but again, I don’t see where liberals are freaking out about vaccines. I freak out about how they produce vaccines but that’s me being an animal lover and me being against any testing on animals. There is a major argument against the likes of me and I would go so far to say that liberals think that if it creates a cure for something, test away when I believe there are other ways to test. I also believe that if we wanted to solve every disease including cancer, we could do it. With or without animals being tested to accomplish it.

But man,. They are showing the Kelly Evans/Rand Paul interview and that is very uncomfortable for me to see. I don’t even think what she said was so bad for Rand to reply in the way he did and he even talks about something totally different before mentioning that certain interviews suck to paraphrase it my way. He literally tried to shut her down. Honestly, I think by her apologizing gave him that angle much like a prisoner beats up the weakest person to show its strength. He went off on her merely because she apologized I think because I don’t get it. And, again, I don’t see why she had to say that apology for her merely asking an important question that he did not want to answer. That is what really was at fault. He did not want to answer the question and he diverted it by putting her down so to speak.
And, man. The NFL had an awful year with ray Rice. With the concussions issue and with the Adrian Peterson issue, etc. and yet the game drew in the biggest viewing audience ever in the history of Television. 

Anyway, Eugene Robinson, Steve Rattner, Michael Steele, Joe Mika and Willie are going over measles vaccine treatments and those misnomers. And, I guess how Christie messed up in an interview he had overseas. 

They also talked about the New York Times article about Christie using lavish things such as Sheldon Adelson’s plane when they flew to Israel, etc., and Mika makes a great point in that he did not require it, however in my eyes, he did sign a bill allowing it. She says that they were thrown at him. Steele claims that third parties and other government officials accepting it is not that great for him. He then says that coupled with federal investigations could eventually be troubles for say a POTUS candidate and I say that is especially for one that says he does things for the middle class. However, I guess (Sheldon) Adelson had a stake in say online gaming in New Jersey which was why offered the private plane to Israel (I assumed it was because he Jewish and was psyched to send him off to Israel but that’s me being naive) done to push that his way but my problem with it is that Christy himself signed a bill last year allowing foreign dignitary's and certain third parties to be allowed to pay for these types of trips. And, then he takes advantage of it right away. 

Also, Mika reports that American Sniper has surpassed saving private Ryan as the top war movie with the most sales after just three weeks in being in theatres. She also reports that the Super Bowl game was the most all time watched TV show ever. not sports game. All time show ever watched. Joe chimes in later on about the American Sniper numbers stating that left wing in Hollywood are upset which I will say it again, what was so wrong from a  liberal POV, with American Sniper. Willie also states that it has not done Passion of the Christ numbers while Joe mentions that being another movie not exactly for the left winged element in Hollywood. I assume he means Jewish staffers that work in the film industry but again,. I don’t see why anyone does NOT want movies that are real. That’s how I gauge how great movies are but anyway....

The panel segues into the post article (by Eugene) about federal spending which they begin to talk about as if Eugene is NOT on the panel at first and then they say that they will talk to everyone as if he is in the room which is funny. Joe does takes offense with regard to us needing a huge amount of money in that proposed budget for defense spending saying that as if 500 billion is not enough money spent on it (like we do already today). They discuss about the funding of weapon systems that do NOT even work and that its another addition to the military industrial complex which feeds into the claims of growing the government even more which BTW, when driving down south below DC in VA, there is is so much traffic near the Pentagon that it is not normal. I had to ask my friends about it. because who are they and where are they going to work or going in general at say 10AM because again, there is at least 12 miles of traffic every week day day in and/or near that upper part of VA. If that’s for workers at the pentagon and in VA and and/or in DC, that is is insane and BTW, the easy pass lanes are empty. you would think these people would get Easy Passes to use every day. Because if it were not for the car pool lane, people are there for hours every day. That traffic is stand still traffic too for again, 10 to 15 miles on that freeway. 

Further about the measles issue is that evidently, there is/are hundreds of cases of measles reported today which is why Dr. Zeke Emanuel is on the next segment. I also found out that foreign person came over to Disneyland in Anaheim which then spread it out that way. The problem is that if the German measles part of the strain hits a pregnant woman, it could cause birth defects and even miscarriages. Regardless of what I say about it, he (Dr. Zeke Emanuel) feels that mandating shots for everyone should happen with some of the vaccines and that should be mandatory in all states and not just some of them. Everyone does wonder why the fraudulent documents that states it causes autism is even talked about today. I think the point is that they feel that we should get back to actual science and that brings me back to why a Rand Paul (Dr. Rand Paul) is against it for libertarian reasons. Joes says that we have the liberal view that its NOT natural, etc., but I have not really heard that part of that uproar if you will. 

And, wow, we are doing story about the hostages from Iraq back during the (Jimmy) Carter and (Ronald) Reagan eras and whether or if they get treated for depression, etc. Am I bad to think that is an odd story for this day and age but lets run with it. I don’t want the 50 or so people to be depressed. People have been blocked from being able to sue and yet other past hostages have been able to sue those counties in the U.S. courts. However, these people have NOT been able to sue Iran. 

Also, the Mayor of Jerusalem in Israel is on the show. He invited Mika to run in the Jerusalem marathon which I had no clue there was one and the main issue they speak about (again) is to never allow Iran to have a nuke and they all make the claim that is how all country leaders feel. Joe asks the q as to whether this admin here (President Obama) has changed on that view but (Steve) Rattner says no way. However, he (Obama) is trying to negotiate with the Iran leaders rather than by using military to deal. Israel wants the ability to use military. 

Then, SNL (Saturday Night Live) is having their 40th anniversary show which we all saw those ads for weeks now and then again during that Super Bowl game two days ago. I guess more people have been added to the show. What's wild to me is to realize that when (John) Belushi was on and when Bill Murray was on and when say Dan Akroyed, Gilda Radnor and even when Chevy Chase (whom I think came in a year after the initial mentioned people) is that they were basically the first class of actor / comedians that were on that show. I took that for granted as a kid. I assumed that show was on for years and that is why I think it so ahead of its time because when I saw it and watched it as a kid, it was really during the first years in 75, etc. which I had no clue till I counted backwards by 40 years. The panel (Mika) announces that Eddie Murphy and Sir Paul McCartney announced that they would be on but honestly, we already knew that Eddie (Murphy) was going to be on. He announced that last week I think. 

There was also a great discussion about funding the Ukraine armies with Ed Royce from California. He is very smart about this issue. Its nice to see but Obama saying that we need to fix immigration and therefore we must fund the Ukrainians makes no sense to me and it is a surprising thing to say in that one speech they showed, but again, the points made in this segment are excellent ones. Also, he states that it is indeed bipartisan too because he touches into what the Dems would do about it, and he states (John) Boehner and (Mitch) McConnell say they want to do to saying what the entire GOP wants to do about (which I assume to be the same thing). And, he says that rather than putting boots on the ground, to use special ops to deal. We shall see how this happens after their conference happens about the issue. 

Next, James Carville and Jim Dement are on soon. That should be quite a spectacle to hear and see today. LOL. However, Carville makes a great point with regard to the new defense budget in that it’s a negotiation (i.e.: if Obama wants 540 Billion, they can settle at whatever hundreds of billions lower than that amount). Dement mentions the waste which is good and he also mentions how we have already cut military spending over the last 4 to 6 years (sequestration). He also does not believe Obama really wants to increase military spending even though its in the proposed budget plan. This is another great discussion quite frankly. Even with Dement claiming that medical costs are unsustainable because I agree. I love it when anyone is real and not one big ‘tal;king point and actually, I hate it when people spew out talking points only in interviews. That annoys me to no end and I thought that’s what we would get here and its not the case at all. This is a great debate. Joe then mentions that when you add in baby boomers, etc., and feeds into it as Dement states he wants to cut Medicare and social security. Carville claims that those expenditures are no where what was predicted when it first came out (Obamacare) and claims that we have some period of time to figure it out as spending has come in much better than reported. But then after (Steve) Rattner corrects Dement saying that certain generations have not paid for it, he (Dement) changes the subject to saying that in whatever years the POTUS’s s[pending and its budgets will implode (I think he said in ten years). Joe makes the best point that its all smoke and mirrors stating that worrying about what amounts to is maybe 5& to 10% and is like worrying about a headache is maybe what he said, when you have a death on the table. Next, they talk about the candidate Jeb Bush whom is having a lot of problems on these early polls. They bring up the Bloomberg poll that we talked about yesterday (about Iowa) and wow. Dement mentions that people do NOT want favoritism and the polls could change as he does not commit to (Jeb) Bush. I assume he wants more right wingers to be tapped. Dement is acting quit cool. He makes no bones about not knowing Bush’s stances on immigration which BTW, will be a huge issue for him in that next election (considering what he had done in FLA). As far as climate change, Carville says that we can worry about the teamsters and working class while admitting there is 100% science behind climate change. He also states that the number one platform by the GOP is building a pipeline that would create 35 permanent jobs and Joe blows him off in his tracks (claiming they are false choices). 

Some non stories discussed today was about the Kim Kardashian wannabee that went on a rampage or raged and/or in some tirade about a guy. The Croatian Kim Kardashian evidently are twins and some gut was dating one before he decided to date the other and therefore, the one so called model stabbed the twin sister with a knife. It was actually reported that they have been fighting each other over their looks since their birth. A good non story is one about a town that rallies around some guy that walks 21 miles to work every day. His car gave out in 1988 and it seems like he has been given a 130K in contributions or in donations. That story and that video of it, has gone “viral.” Oh. and also. Two car dealerships have offered to give that guy a car and Willies reports that the guy never misses a day of work and that his attendance is “exemplary.” And, a not so non of a story is more of a story about idiots. These idiots left their kid in a car in 30 degree weather without hats and gloves mind u, but forget about that warmth issue, these tools left their kid in the car so they could go to a wine tasting event. WTF? They evidently used cell phones to monitor the kid who was crying and screaming for its parents but anyway, they have been ordered to stay away from that kid. That’s incredible and its an awful story. Another non story that is getting press is that Rex Ryan is shown in a tattoo parlor as he changes the naked wife tattoo that dawns a number 6 with a green jersey I guess, that he is changing to be a blue one. He will keep the same number 6 but if the picture is of his wife naked, how could it be shown wearing a jersey but anyway, the last non story so far today is the one about the ground hog biting the Mayor.

I think its high time to get rid of stupid tradition that makes no sense to anyone and from a science POV. Its a very odd tradition. Its also very odd if anyone believes it does tell our seasons which I assume we are passed that issue but maybe the ground hog does not want to be manhandled by people. BTW, didn't want attack (Bill) Diblasio last year or whenever it did? Regardless of that showing again its not fair for the animal, this is a stupid tradition for humans to act on. 

The panel gets into the major news stories so far for the day which the first on is about Suge Knight’s First day In court. Joe said something about him (Knight) having ties to other murders like Tupac’s but Willie corrected him by saying he was in car with him, etc., but I think he has been pointed at for some other peoples deaths. Not Tupac's though but again, the ex-rap mogul 'Suge' Knight to be in court on murder charge had his $2 million bail revoked in Los Angeles after his arrest in running down and killing a man. Los Angeles County sheriff's spokeswoman Nicole Nishida says detectives asked a bail commissioner Monday, Feb. 2, 2015, to keep the Death Row Records founder behind bars because he is a possible flight risk. Prosecutors filed the charges against Knight on Monday, alleging he intended to run down a friend and another man after an argument on a movie set on Thursday. He is scheduled to appear in court to be arraigned on four felony counts, which include murder in the death of 55-year-old Terry Carter, "attempted, willful, deliberate and premeditated murder" involving 51-year-old victim Cle "Bone" Sloan, plus two charges of hit-and-run. Knight's attorney, James Blatt, says Knight accidentally ran over the men as he tried to escape a vicious attack. He turned himself in the following day.The ruling came after homicide detectives told the bail commissioner that the 49-year-old founder of Death Row Records could face a lengthy prison sentence because of a violent criminal past, said Los Angeles County sheriff's spokeswoman Nicole Nishida. Knight was out on bail in a separate robbery case when the men were hit. In the current case, Knight struck two men with his pickup in a Compton burger stand parking lot. The collision killed his friend Carter, a founder and owner of Heavyweight Records who was viewed as a local father figure and tried to help mentor young men in the community, said Doug Young, a friend and hip-hop music promoter. Also injured in the collision was Sloan, an actor and film consultant. 

Also, Google Is Developing Its Own Uber Competitor and therefore the two companies are going to war over self-driving taxi. Uber now faces an ever-growing cast of adversaries that includes dubious regulators, litigious drivers, hostile members of the press, and some well-funded rivals. But the most significant threat to the app-based transportation company may be much closer to home: one of its biggest investors, Google. Google Ventures, the search giant's venture capital arm, invested $258 million in Uber in August 2013. It was Google Ventures' largest investment deal ever, and the company put more money into Uber's next funding round less than a year later. Back then, it was easy for observers to imagine Google teaming closely with Uber, or even one day acquiring it. David Drummond, Google’s chief legal officer and senior vice president of corporate development, joined the Uber board of directors in 2013 and has served on it ever since. Now there are signs that the companies are more likely to be ferocious competitors than allies. Google is preparing to offer its own ride-hailing service, most likely in conjunction with its long-in-development driverless car project. Drummond has informed Uber's board of this possibility, according to a person close to the Uber board, and Uber executives have seen screenshots of what appears to be a Google ride-sharing app that is currently being used by Google employees. This person, who requested not to be named because the talks are private, said the Uber board is now weighing whether to ask Drummond to resign his position as an Uber board member.

Next story is that  The (Atlanta) Hawks 19-game winning streak was stopped last night by the New Orleans Pelicans and in NOLA. We've got a lot of season left," Millsap said when asked to put the recent winning streak in perspective. "Nineteen games, that's good. We lost one -- 19-1 now. So it's just regrouping. ... We can't let one loss turn into two losses." Davis, returning from a left groin strain that sidelined him one game, had 29 points and 13 rebounds to help the Pelicans win for the sixth time in seven games. New Orleans' recent run of good form has included victories over other contending squads, such as Dallas and the Los Angeles Clippers, and has pulled the Pelicans (26-22) within a game of Phoenix (28-22) for eighth place in the Western Conference. "We just need to continue to do what we've been doing," Davis said. "The past couple games, we've been rebounding, defending, sharing the ball. We don't care who scores. That's what we have to do." That sounds a lot like the recipe Atlanta has been using to pile up an Eastern Conference-leading 40 victories.

And, what would be Super Bowl weekend with an arrest for soliciting a hooker? Warren Sapp was arrested after the game Sunday Night. Cops say two women told police they were at the hotel "as escorts" and went to Sapp's room, where an argument broke out over money. The women claim the argument turned physical and spilled out into the hallway. Cops say the women had injuries consistent with a struggle. Officials say when cops questioned Sapp,"he was questioned and admitted involvement in the act of prostitution, but denied assaulting the females." Both women involved in the incident received citations from police -- one for prostitution, the other for a violation of the City’s escort permit requirements. Both women were released. The NFL Network has fired Sapp. He'd been with the network since 2008. Sapp was in Phoenix covering the Super Bowl for the NFL Network. It's not Warren's first arrest -- he was busted in 2010 for domestic battery, but those charges were eventually dropped. He was also arrested for an alleged domestic battery in Miami in 2014.

More Sports stories that are in the media is that Johnny football into rehab and enters in for Manziel Enters Treatment To Improve Himself. Jeremy Fowler discusses the latest news on Browns QB Johnny Manziel, who has entered a treatment facility to work on areas “he needs to improve.” "Johnny knows there are areas in which he needs to improve in order to be a better family member, friend and teammate, and he thought the off season was the right time to take this step," Beckworth said. "On behalf of Johnny and his family, we're asking for privacy until he rejoins the team in Cleveland." Manziel is expected to be in rehab at least a few weeks, but the amount of time depends largely on what doctors recommend, according to a source close to Manziel. A source told ESPN's Darren Rovell that a casino in Las Vegas offered Manziel six figures to host a Super Bowl party, but he declined. Browns general manager Ray Farmer said in a statement that the team supports Manziel's decision. "We respect Johnny's initiative in this decision and will fully support him throughout this process. Our players' health and well-being will always be of the utmost importance to the Cleveland Browns," Farmer said. "We continually strive to create a supportive environment and provide the appropriate resources, with our foremost focus being on the individual and not just the football player. Johnny's privacy will be respected by us during this very important period and we hope that others will do the same." Manziel, who has an endorsement deal with Nike, also received words of support from the shoe and apparel company. Browns receiver Andrew Hawkins tweeted his support for his quarterback on Monday. Manziel also received support from a player on a division rival. Baltimore Ravens receiver Torrey Smith took to Twitter soon after the news broke. Cleveland Cavaliers star LeBron James also offered his support for Manziel. "I haven't talked to him. I found out about the information when you guys found out about it," James said Monday night. "If it's a guy that's seeking help, then as a friend I support him and want him to get better. And his friends and family, we all believe in him and we think this is a good step if that's the route he's going to take." 

The last half an hour segment is with Joy Behar and Mika says they will discuss Rand Paul shunning Kelly Evans. I hope they dive into that and I hope they reconfirm what I said above it. I think rand Paul acted like a bully and again, I think certain politicians fall back on it when they cannot answer a simple question that would even get asked on CNN and even at Fox. And, that will be asked 90 times if anyone were to run for say POTUS. I just wish Kelly stood her ground and not changed the question let alone apologized. That’s all I think or wish never happened but anyway, lets see what happens.

And cool. they are saying what I said above which again, is what I love about this show. They say what I think and overall and again, another great show at Morning Joe today. No fights. No talking over other people. Great debates sorted out sweetly and only two interruptions I think (during the Joe / Carville ending of that segment) when Joe did not want to hear what Carville had to say in the end. Regardless, stay in touch as they said on the GD Hotline for decades.