This past week, the NYPD rescued almost 200 rabbits from freezing weather and cruel conditions from a hoarder in Brooklyn.

The rabbits suffered from syphilis, mites and bodily injuries -- thankfully, they are now getting care at the city shelter, Animals Care and Control. Eventually, the rabbits will be up for adoption. You can help the rabbits by sending supplies such as hay and alfalfa to the shelter. Go here to check out the list of items needed, and where to mail them.

Thankfully, rabbit hoarding situations like this will soon be a thing of the past in NYC -- the Mayor and the City Council just passed legislation banning the sale of domestic rabbits in pet stores. (But you'll still be able to adopt a rabbit from a shelter or rescue.) This new law is a HUGE victory. This is what it looks like inside a rabbit breeder's operation. It's like a cruel factory farm for bunnies:

A rabbit breeding operation

Rabbits sold in pet store often end up dumped in shelters and euthanized, after people buy them on a whim for their kids who lose interest in caring for their pet after a month. More than 600 rabbits were brought to the city shelters and rescues last years alone in NYC.  Those were the lucky ones, compared to the many that are abandoned in city parks with no survival skills and die of starvation or killed by prey.  Even pet stores like Petco and Petsmart have agreed to support the rabbit sale ban.

But New York City is changing that mistreatment.
The City Council and Mayor de Blasio just enacted a law banning the sale of rabbits in pet stores. People can still adopt rabbits from shelters and rescues, but we're shutting down the rabbit mills by ending their sale in NYC. Call your City Council Member to thank them for ending the sale of rabbits in pet stores.

This is a big step in the direction of animal protection. Let's make sure our City Council Members know that when they stand up for animals, we will stand with them.

Call your City Council Member to say, "Thanks for being a Bunny Hero!"

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