New Rules: Stop selling and buying fish in tiny containers!

Walmart: Stop Selling Fish in Horrible Conditions!

I was horrified when my friend sent me this picture of a fish she saw on the shelves at Walmart. The Betta fish are being kept in sealed containers, full of filthy brown water. When my friend asked a sales associate about the fish, she told her that Walmart keeps the fish on their shelves "until they sell or die."

Tell Walmart to Stop Selling Fish In Horrible Conditions
My friend saw the Betta fish stacked on a shelf - the dead among the living that are barely moving. The tiny containers are filthy and don't have filters. And fish could be stacked one on top of another so the fish at the bottom don't even get air.
As potential customers, we can pressure Walmart and show that treating fish so cruelly is bad for business. Let's act now to demand that Walmart give the fish full tanks with filters and proper care – sign my petition to CEO C. Douglas Mcmillon today!!oceans/coj